Chapter Fifty Four

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Chapter Fifty Four:

~POV: Jaiden~

Aaron sat beside me as we waited for the plane to land. I groaned and shifted my weight again. Aaron grabbed my hand.

"Don't worry. They'll all be fine. I'll be more talkative and friendly. They'll love me by the end of the week." He reassured me. I let out a nervous laugh.

"Sure they will." I said.

"Hey, you loved me by the end of the minute we met." He teased, kissing my cheek. I grinned. He held my hand as we waited. We finally saw my cousin running towards us. Trailing behind him was my uncle, my grandmother, grandfather, and mother. I approached them smiling.

"What's the temperature outside?" Mom asked.

"Eight three and climbing!" Aaron reported with a smile before hugging my mom. I frown at him.

"Stop pouting, beautiful." He teased. I stuck my tongue out at him. We greeted the rest of my family before everybody getting into my car. Aaron drove to my apartment. Aaron took uncle Barry and Kyler to his apartment and helped them settle into the guest room at Aaron's while I helped the other three to the two at mine.

We all then got in our swimsuits to go to the beach. Aaron took his car so he could go pick up Daisy. When we got to the beach and set up, Kyler ran to the water. The rest of us sat in beach chairs under the umbrella.

"So, two days is Easter. When are we going wedding dress shopping?" Mimi asked.

"Um, Tuesday Aaron is out of the studio so he can help show the boys around Huntington." I suggested.

"I'm in." I heard a familiar voice say from behind me. "Well, showing the boys around. I know you don't want me dress shopping with you." Aaron said. I nodded. Aaron set Daisy in my lap before sitting in the open chair beside me. I scratched behind Daisy's ear. I smiled. Aaron kissed my cheek before taking his dog back. I rolled my eyes at him. He smiled at me. I smirked and continued my conversations with Mimi.

Finally, Aaron got bored. He gave Daisy to my mom before picking me up against my will. I squealed as he dunked me in the water. I bolted for the surface.

"ITS SO COLD!" I yelled. Aaron laughed at me. I splashed him. He stared at me.

"You. Did. Not." He said. I laughed and pounced on him. He laughed too and spun me around. I kissed his cheek when he set me down.

"I love you." I told him

"I love you, too." He replied, right before throwing me back into the water. I swam up and grabbed his hips. He laughed and pulled me up. Everybody else was on the breaking wave-line jumping waves. I left Aaron and went to them. He followed me, teasing me the entire way. I turned and growled at him. "Jai, you okay? You're growling again." He teased. I rolled my eyes before pushing him into the water. I laughed and walked the rest of the way over, Aaron shortly following.

"Jaiden, did you push the poor boy?" Mimi asked. I grinned and nodded.

"Payback. He's evil to me at times. The teasing never lets up." I told.

"Not true!" Aaron protested. I rolled my eyes.

"Oh hush, you!" I told him. Another wave broke, knocking mom down. We laughed as she got up. We all talked and laughed as people got knocked down.

"Do you guys come down to the beach a lot?" Uncle Barry asked.

"No, actually. You think living ten minutes from the beach that we'd be down here a lot, but we aren't normally down here unless we come with friends or Jaiden goes fishing with Austin." Aaron explained. "I grew up near the bay and went down sign friends almost every nice weekend."

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