Fortune Cookie

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Molly sat in a booth with three friends from college, reminiscing about a dorm room prank involving silly string and a substantial amount of maple syrup. “The look in your face-” Molly broke off into a fit of giggles. They were all relaxing in Jade Village a homey chinese restaurant that served some of the girls favourite dishes. A waitress strolled over smiling, she placed the check on their table with a fortune cookie for each of them, as well as a few fancy hand wipes. One of Molly’s friends, Roma reached over grabbing the cookie closest to her. She ripped open the plastic wrap, and broke her cookie, pulling both sides until the slip of paper was fully stretched out she read aloud “Depart not from the path which fate has you assigned”. Roma fake frowned "I guess that means that I’m going to be running the family flower shop like my mom wants" she stuck her lip out pouting. Molly laughed at her friends foux fate; sometimes these fortunes were too cheesy. As Roma munched her cookie, Molly cracked her own one open, it broke off into a few small pieces with the piece of paper lying in the middle face down. Molly raised the paper to her face, flipping it over to see the text. She read it in her head, she read it again thinking that she must seeing things. She wasn’t. The cookie said: ‘Leave town right now, don’t tell anybody. You are in danger...I repeat - DO NOT TELL ANYBODY!’. Fake. Molly thought, this one was way too cheesy, just in case though, she tossed the fortune in her purse inconspicuously.

Molly didn’t believe in fate... at least that’s what she told herself. I’m not superstitious...she reminded herself while she was driving home. Besides, that fortune was cliché and way too pushy. Molly prepared to turn right when suddenly a large black vehicle sprinted by, passing barely a few feet from her car. She froze for a few moments before a honk from behind her shook her from her daze. She turned right. Coincidence.  Molly told herself that almost car accident was purely by chance.

As Molly was walking through her apartment parking garage, she was startled by a scratchy voice coming from the corner. Almost concealed by a cement pillar, a man who was in rough shape and clearly angry was spouting nonsense at Molly, she picked up her pace though the man had made no attempt to chase her. Molly quickly stepped into her building and headed towards the elevator. He was delirious, that was obviously some type of crazy homeless man...Molly wondered why she was letting little incidents make her so nervous. She was so caught up in her thoughts, she didn’t notice the man behind her until he yanked her backwards by the collar of her shirt “Careful! That elevator is messed up, didn’t you read the sign?” He asked, clearly agitated. Molly looked over to see a sign written in bright red ink warning people not to take the elevator. She had been following her normal route, not bothering to even look up. “Sorry” Molly said numbly, heading towards the stairs.

Sitting in her room with a cup of green tea, the most calming kind of tea there is, Molly  played out the events of the day in her mind, nothing too out of the ordinary, but it irked her. She took out her fortune paper, remembering snapping open the cookie, but now it was her who snapped. Suddenly Molly was all over the place, flinging a suitcase onto her bed, tearing her clothes from their hangers, not even bothering to fold despite her usual organized self. Packing enough to last her the weekend, she was on her way out of town. She barrelled out the door and pushed the suitcase down the hall, she bolted through the elevator doors, only Molly didn’t step into the elevator. Molly fell.


He sits alone hunched over a computer, the light it gives off casts long shadows of his elongated figure. typing out yet another ‘Remember to share good fortune as well as bad with your friends’ lets make this more interesting his spindly fingers tap the keys ‘The end is near’ the fortune says. He smiles, knowing that soon, another disaster will happen. Who knew fate would work for a cookie company typing fortunes...

This is my first piece of writing and it's a short story, so no more chapters...

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⏰ Last updated: May 09, 2013 ⏰

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