Let Me Tell You A Thing.

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Let me tell you a little something about sixth grade.

One: It was horrible.

Two: It was horrible.

And three: It was horrible.

Know why?

Long story short, our homeroom was a complete loser that everyone made fun of most of the time (but just because he was knew), I was bullied again by the exact same person that bullied me the previous year, and I ended up having more embarrassing crushes which turn ten times more embarrassing considering that I go to an all girls school and that I’m bisexual.


Sounds fun, doesn’t it?

But it didn’t stop there.

I was also basically a one hundred percent fuck up that always ruined everything.

From grades, all the way to friendships.

Let’s start with grades.

So basically, I was a nerd from first grade all the way to fifth.

But then the summer before sixth grade happened.

Well, actually, House of Anubis happened.

It basically ruined my brain.

Ruined the way I thought about things.

It became my favorite show.

And of course, your favorite show also becomes your number one distraction.

Don’t lie.

You know that’s true.

So I brought my childish and fangirly antics with me all the way to sixth grade.

Bad mistake.

Like I’ve said, it was a distraction.

A very big one.

Didn’t help me at all.

I thought about it constantly, like twenty-four-seven.

In our school we have four quarters every school year.

I was practically all alone with my HOA fandom for the whole first quarter.

But then in second quarter, we changed our seating arrangements.

Then I met Trisha.

Funny how I didn’t know who she was yet even though it’s been like one fourth of the year already.

She sat beside me. She was my seatmate. My class buddy, you know?

So there I was, casually doing something House of Anubis related, when she said:

“You like House of Anubis?”

And I just said:

“Yeah, I do.”

And we were off.

We talked about it nonstop, every single period of the day.

We got scolded, sure.

But we still talked about it.

T’was fun.

For awhile.

But then we met the two girls sitting around us.

Meet Sam and Catherine.

Sam sat in front of Trisha and I’m not really sure where Catherine was sitting during the time anymore…

But anyway.

I knew Catherine from the previous year.

We rode the same school bus.

I’m pretty sure the only memory she had of me was that time I deleted videos in her phone so that I could take a video of these two kids in our bus, though.

Good times.

The three of us eventually became friends.

I became friends with Trisha, we became friends with Catherine because of me, and we became friends with Sam because she became friends with Catherine.

If any of that sounds confusing, then I’m sorry. Live with it.

Apparently, Catherine knew House of Anubis, too.

Sam knew it, but wasn’t really a big fan.

So it was just us three when HOA became a topic.

We ended up eating together every day.

We were those kids who weren’t completely losers, but we weren’t popular either, you know?

And we were happy with that kind of lifestyle.

I ended up making a name for us.

We were called LiShaTheriAm.

We were the only one who knew and or cared about it, though.

Sounds original, doesn’t it?

Then somewhere around late third quarter or early fourth quarter, we met Alyana.

She was my classmate in second and fifth grade.

So it was easy letting her into our little club.

I changed the name to LiShaTheriAmAna.

Still pretty original, if I do say so myself.

We made it through the entire school year with ease.

Well I know they did.

And I know I didn’t.

A.N. Yup. I totally just did that.

Go ahead, kill me.

Oh and Trisha, if you're reading this.

Sorry, not sorry.

Night, guys.


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⏰ Last updated: May 08, 2013 ⏰

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