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"You're a freak,"

"You don't belong here!"

"You're a monster,"

"You don't belong anywhere!"

"You shouldn't even be alive!"

Every night the same voices haunted the young girl's sleep. It didn't matter that she had found her home, that she was finally happy for the first time in her life. When night fell and she drifted off to sleep her past always found its way to her mind.

She often woke shaking and her cheeks soaked in her own tears, terrified that she had been taken back.

Elysia wasn't the only one to cry at night, she often heard the sobs of the others when she awoke. Elysia cried because she was scared of waking up and realising that escaping had all been a dream, that she was still trapped in a place where no one understood her. In the beginning she had believed that was also why the others cried, but she soon learned that they cried because they wanted to go back.

She didn't understand why anyone would want to go back. Elysia knew that some of the boys had come from the same world she had, a world where magic like hers was feared. Others had come from a world where magic didn't exist.

She would never understand why the boys couldn't be happy in Neverland. It was the most magical place in all the worlds, a place she would never have to grow up, a place where anything was possible as long as you believed, and best of all it was a place where Elysia's magic wasn't feared or ridiculed, but instead celebrated.

Some of the boys were desperate to leave, but Elysia wanted to stay in Neverland forever.

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