Chapter 1

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Jeff was sitting on the grass, watching the house he set on fire burn smiling at his work

I was asleep in my bed ,I could hear the flames, and feel the heat around me. What the fuck is happening to me, I tried to wake my self up 'AMBER WAKE UP' but nothing worked.

Jeff was watching the house, laughing waiting to hear a scream come to his ears, but he heard only the screams coming from other rooms but nothing from my room, looking at my room, while climbing inside and taking out his knife and putting it up to my thraught " time to sleep for good".

I couldn't wake up but I herd my window brake WHAT HELL IS HAPPENING, EYES I COMMAND YOU TO OPEN nothing happened. I feel something cold touch me, my eyes open ' really eyes you suck' I herd someone say go to sleep..... I know who it was " hey Jeff " * he narrows his eyes at me , and holds knife closer * " you don't know me" " but I do know you, we were friends before you became a monster and killed my real family, plus I liked you" * gets Jeff off while getting is knife in the process, and puts it up to his thraught* " if I'm dieing its going to be at the right time by the right person"

"Good move little girl" *he pats your head* " don't think I won't kill you. In a few seconds your bound to pass out do to the smoke, then burn to death" *Jeff grabbed his knife from me, pushing me in the process, Jeff then jumps out the window and into the forest*

* I run after Jeff right behind him full of fury, very flexible, and full of tears* * Jeff started to run back wards* " baby I know these woods like the back of my hand!" * Jeff runs into a dark part of the woods where I couldn't see him, my face started to get hot WAIT I CANT STILL HAVE FEELING FOR THIS ASSHOLE, I take out a flash light* " IM COMING FOR YOU !!!!"

* Jeff trips me while I was running * " no I'm coming for you ~ I'll make your death less painful sense your pretty* he said in a seductive way, he pinned me down i couldn't move, while he was smirking, I started to blush * " finally your going to kill me so I could be with my family, my death can be however you want it to be I've faced in of pain in my life to not be able to feel any more " * I start to cry a little remembering all the memorys of Jhone giving me beats for no reason, and trying to rape me hundreds of times, Jeff smirks before desapearing into smoke* " sorry Amber I can't kill you, your still sleeping"


I instantly wake up and sit in my bed, that's the most realest dream I've ever had of him. Jhone- GET YOUR SORRY ASS DOWN HERE AND MAKE FOOD OR IM GOING TO GIVE YOU MORE BEATS" " okay I'm coming" * after I made him some food I got my morning beats, I went to the bathroom to clean the blood off me*

Jeff's POV.

*I was in my bed at the mansion, I instantly woke up, I groan * " what the hell kind of dream was that " * I run my fingers through my hair, I started into the forest trying to look for that house in my dream* " who was that girl in my dream she was so familiar DAMN IT!!?" * he reached the end of the woods and found the house that looked like the one from the dream*


After I took a shower I just started to listen to my chemical romance ( singing along ) and drawing pictures of Jeff and other people mostly Jeff. After a while I disided I waned to ask Phone if I could go for a walk. " Phone could I go for a walk " " FINE BUT BE BACK AT 6 SO YOU COULD MAKE DINNER, AND COME HERE FOR A SEC BEFORE YOU GO " I put some stuff in my bag like my starting stuff, and went down stairs. Before I left he cut my arm, I went outside I felt like I was being watched.( BOTH POVS. TOGETHER )

I started to walk to my spot so I could draw, I still couldn't shake off the feeling I was being watched. Jeff-*I was watching from a far*"why can't I remember her....Why...." I started to draw and doing monster by skillet, I decided to move to the tree house I found a while back so I went there and I started to.... Cry." Why couldn't he kill me when he had the chance, it's all his fault this I'd now my life, now thanks to him I get beats every day for no reason" * I stared to cry even more now* Jeff- * I was on top of the tree I herd every thing she said, I was actually sad knowing I caused all this pain. Wait she's just another human WHY!!!!!! WHY DO I FEEL THIS WAY!!!!!!* " stop crying.... I'm sorry.... Okay" stand up and Amber hears me.
" Jeff is that you" * stops crying he lands in front of me, knife pointed strait at me* " I don't know who the hell you are....but I can't kill you....I'm sorry" " it's okay, and I'm sorry you don't remember me would you like to know our past together" * starts to cry a little* " Do it just. Don't cry" * wipes way her tears with my body sleeve*

"Thanks" I stated with a little blush " when you weren't the way you are now, you thought you had no friends but you did, you had me. We did every thing together, then one day your parents invited my family for dinner I came late, and when I got there I saw my dead mother, brother, twin sister, and my friends along with your parents and brother. You played with me then you called the cops and just left" * shows the J on shoulder, nods and looks at the J* " no wonder your so familiar"

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