Prologue: Rescue

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Kota's P.O.V

"You know Sis I've always thought that you were crazy but this... This is a whole new level of crazy for you,"

I set my binoculars to the side and glared at my sister who was laying on her belly beside me with a heat sensor attached to her ear, the holographic screen overlapping her right eye.

"Trust me its not."

Grabbing the screen with her fingers, she expanded it so that we had a 3D layout of the complex with moving parches of color that represented the guards.

You see these two guards right here? As they pass each other under that overhang there's an opening to take them out."

She pointed to the two unlucky guards. "Once you go through the fence, climb up on that roof and then knock the two of them out. We can use that building to access the sewers and then travel under the complex and into my friend's cell."

"And who exactly is this friend of yours?"

A voice said behind us.

"Shit!" Rolling to the side, we both sat up and in complete synch, pointed a P70 laser pistol at the speaker.

"Its just me dirt eater, you can put your little toy down." the voice said with a hint of annoyance.

"Who is it?" Kathy asked as I slipped my gun back into its holster.

"He's a flame head that goes by the name of Leif. He's the General's personal fetching boy". I grinned at the Furegish's irritated expression as he stepped out from behind the tree line and joined us on the ground.

Except he sat on a patch of grass instead of laying on the ground like the rest of us. Stupid species.....

"So why exactly are you here?" My sister asked suspiciously.

"Because the General decided that you two would need some back up and decided to send me on "vacation" as well," Leif then leaned forward, a serious expression on his face. "Now... Who are we breaking out of jail?"

My sister glanced at me questionably and I gave a slight nod.

"Her name is Sasha."

The Furegish nodded and we continued with the plan.


After discussing the plan, we decided that my sister would stay on the hill overlooking the compound and provide the assault team with directions and information. The assault team would be me and the Fugerish respectively.

"This is Night Owl come in Red Hawk can you hear me?" My sister's voice crackled over the coms we had stuck in our ears.

"Loud and clear Night Owl. This is Red Hawk in position, ready when you are over." The Fugerish responded as he crouched on the rooftop a couple buildings over.

"White Eagle in position Night Owl. Locked and loaded, waiting for your signal."

"Position confirmed White Eagle; target will be approaching your sector in T-minus 60 seconds. Be sure to take him out quietly."

I grinned and unsheathed my carbon/valrium hunting knife. One I specially "acquired" from Commander Smith. "Quiet is my middle name, so you just sit tight sis and let the experts work their magic."

My sister let out a sigh and proceeded to lecture me that jumping off a roof and stabbing the guy is not considered the "quiet way of getting rid of the guard"

I let short laugh before re-sheathing my knife and waiting.

Leaning forward, I peered down at the dimly lit alley that separated each of the buildings

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