The problem (chapter 3)

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Weeks went by and im really enjoying this school year. The only thing i hate was fifth period becuase i hated seeing Helen, on the other hand john was cool we even joked around sometimes.

As i went into my fifth period i saw helen on john lap and they were kissing oh how much i wish that was me.

As i took my seat i didnt notice helen stick her foot out so i fell everyone just laughed and i was so embarrassed

"Your such a Bitch you know that" I yelled

"OOPS i was just getting up you were just in my way" she said in a inocent voice i was so pissed not only did i fall but john didnt even say nothing he just looked the other way wow

"whatever" i said standing up and taken my seat

"Hello class" Mr. Thomas said

"okay so were going to be working on a group project im going to walk around class with this hat and you are going to pull a name " he walked around people pulled names out the hat then he got to me and i pulled when i open it up the name was"john" I know this was not going to be good

"Find your partners" with that i tapped john on his sholder

"Your my partner" i said showing him a paper

Mr. Thomas showed the class what the project was about and we got started

"So partner im sorry for what hel-"

"Its okay stuff happen" i said cutting him off

"i Know but she was wrong i swear lately she have been acting very rude "

"its fine so about the project"

" oh yea" he started writing a number down im guessing his

" After school since its friday i guess we could go to the park and work on it or my house it dont really matter"

"well whatever is fine as long as we get done with the project ASAP " i hated doing projects

" I guess i will be taging along becuase you told me that we were going to hang tonight " helen said i almost forgot about that skitch

"oh yea i forgot um sure babe stop by my house "

This is going a long project

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