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Part 1

Michelle's friend, Kaitlyn, shouted again so she got pissed then went to see Kaitlyn

Michelle: Kaitlyn !! I know you love them so much but it's the 4th time that you shouted already!!

Kaitlyn: sorry Michy .. But I just can't help myself and every directioner would scream when they find out that 1D is coming to their place for a concert and Q and A's

Michelle: what?! You mean 1D's coming here?!

Kaitlyn: yep !!

Michelle couldn't believe the news and said

Michelle: oh no! Kait, ple--

Kaitlyn interrupted Michelle before she could finish her sentence cause she knew where she was going

Kaitlyn: Michy, I don't get it, why do you hate 1D?

Michelle: I don't hate them, I just dislike them and I'm not really into their stuff

Kaitlyn: but you would go to their concert for a friend, right?

Michelle: not interested!

Kaitlyn: how 'bout money?

Michelle: no!

Kaitlyn: ok!! I'll stop talking and drooling about 1D every time you're with me IF you go to that concert

Michelle was startled to what Kaitlyn said and then said

Michelle: are you sure?

Kaitlyn looked down doubtfully at her decision but she was willing to do everything just for her to go to 1D's concert so she finally said "yes"

Michelle: alright then, you seem up for the challenge !! When's their concert anyways?

Kaitlyn: on Saturday. Today's Thursday right? So we'll have later and tomorrow to prepare

Michelle: prepare what ?

Michelle sounded suspicious about her friend's idea

Kaitlyn: posters, slogans, que--

Michelle suddenly stood up and said

Michelle: woah, woah! Hang on there wild cat! I only promised to go to the concert with you and not do this stuff

Kaitlyn: terms and conditions apply in our deal Michy

Kaitlyn smiled at her friend while Michelle did nothing but to mumble something to herself

And Michelle can't argue with her so she just nodded.

Kaitlyn went home first to change and get her money while Michelle went downstairs to ask permission from her mom who instantly agreed.

After an hour Kaitlyn went to her Michy's house to pick her up. She honked her horn which was a sign for Michy to go down already.

When Michy was all settled up in her friend's car Kaitlyn said

Kaitlyn: you didn't change at all! Even your clothes!

Michelle: ain't got no time for that.. Now lets go so the earlier we buy the earlier we can go home

Kaitlyn just smiled at her and drove off. They reached the mall after 10 minutes and Michelle asked Kaitlyn

Michelle: Kaity, why are we here? We can simply buy our supplies from bookstores. You know how I hate the mall with all their ---

Then Michelle finally figured out her friend's "demonic" plan while Kaitlyn stood up and went outside the car waiting for her friend to come out.

Michelle: Kait, I know you're rich and you're my best friend but you don't have to buy me clothes. I'm happy wi my clothes and its comfortable for me .. You know I'm not one of those shabby chique girls ..

Kaitlyn: Terms and conditions apply Michy ..

Kaitlyn went to her friend's side and opened the door for her while Michelle just sat down there as if waiting for Kaitlyn to carry her

Michelle: alright, I'll do it., but only for you to stop drooling about 1D already

Kaitlyn: I knew you couldn't resist you're friend

They both went inside the mall and bought first their stuff and after that they finally went to buy clothes.

Kaitlyn bought 4 new clothes and shoes but for Michelle she just stood outside waiting for her friend.

Kaitlyn then thought of something. She would buy Michelle some clothes and shoes.

She bought her a pair of shorts and a polo.

Michelle did not know this so she thought she was saved.

---- check out later for the continuation of part 1 ..

Note: this is a 1D fanfic ..

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⏰ Last updated: May 09, 2013 ⏰

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