Here's the Thing

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    In early March 2015, a boy from Atlanta came to my high school. His name was Elliot, but between me and you, I think he looked more like a Patrick to be honest. I've never known anyone named Patrick, so the fact that it was the first name I thought of when I saw Elliot's face in a giant crowd of other eighteen year old kids who's names were also not Patrick must mean something. Plus you don't come across a lot of people in your life who make quite impactful impressions on you without even uttering a word to you. Those are the people you should chase after.

    Except I didn't even have to chase Elliot. It was only within days after his arrival at Grantham Street High School that I found him coming onto me; and I say that without a trace of arrogance. If anything, it was actually strange experiencing someone as interesting as this guy, with his bilingual fluency and perfect attendance record since the eighth grade attempt to make a move on my ordinary person. My mother would say that I am special in my own way; it's the uniqueness of my aura that makes this boy want to be around me. But frankly that seems like a ton of bullshit because if everyone is special in their own way, that would mean that no one is really special. The reality is we're all just different and people will pick and choose among their lot. But I'll tell you one thing; Elliot was most definitely special.

    You may be gagging on the other side of your screen right now, because I've just made it sound like I'm totally going to fall in love with him. That would be just the sweetest goddamn thing wouldn't it? I mean, I really do empathize. It would be unbearably adorable, but if the blossoming of a heterosexual adolescent romance is what you were hoping for when you clicked here, I regret to inform you that this tale takes a different turn.

    Now, I am not a writer. I've never been capable of producing any fantastic line for a story ever. My works are in many ways ridiculous, you'll find, though it's not going to stop me from telling my story; which seems almost impossible to put into words. But I'll start with a statement simple, which, perhaps to your amusement, goes something like this:

"Hey girl, you got kik?"

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