Chapter 1

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Several hundred years ago, before the black plague even, a virus swept through the land. Leaving only darkness in it's wake, but even in this time of darkness a spark of light appeared in the form of hope. Just as quickly as the nameless virus made it's presence known by killing hundreds of thousands of people, it vanished. Only a small amount of survivors remained not quite untouched by the virus however. In fact these survivors were changed forever in a way that can only be explained as Vampirism. Lusting after blood to stay alive while maintaining a youthful appearance.

Fear gripped villages resulting in vampiric burning's,insane folklore, and decapitation of the infected. This moment in time would forever be remembered because the result caused the "infected" to ban together, forming a secret society far from the eyes of prosecution. It was only in seclusion they learned of their powers of quickness, strength and their amazing abilities of healing. Some had powers yet unknown and still forming.

Deep in the bowels of the earth they forged rules among themselves. Acts were made for repopulating and feeding as well as the most important rule of all, staying hidden form outsiders.

As time progressed changing the world along with it so did the secret society named the Vulcan. Finally after centuries they emerged from darkness, choosing to hide in plain sight instead. Vulcan's built wealthy businesses to supply their blood habits, schools were formed to teach their young, warriors were tested thought trails and flame. And like all successful empire's a great enemy appeared, then was vanquished for centuries... until now.     

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The night was cold even for September, the coolest yet of the month, and a full moon hung low in the sky illuminating a repulsive alley way. This particular alley currently held two of the most dangerous women around for fifty miles. Though the drunks that stumbled from the back of a local bar was none the wiser to their existence. Just outside the alley, noise from the busy city emanated drowning out the sound of any screams that could possible be heard.

 Perfect setting for teaching a fledgling how to catch her next meal. Domina, the master of this duo, was noticeable as she crouched protectively next to her student beside the faded blue dumpster. With the moon you could see her slender figure with an arm swung thoughtfully in front of her pupil. Long, deep auburn hair was braided and carelessly slung across one of her shoulders. Ironically enough her attire, which was all close fitted black, shouted stalker. The only difference in her stalker status was that strapped to her back was two very wickedly sharp blades and a nine millimeter holstered at her side, which screamed serial killer instead. 

Though her face was delicate, with blue eyes and regal cheekbones , her grim stance said she was fearless. The complete opposite knelt uncomfortably to her right, August was a scrawny blonde with big almond shaped green eyes. Dressed casually in her converse, jeans and lucky t-shirt, she moved restlessly beside her mentor. The stench of the garbage stung her nostrils and kept making her eyes water. The sight of people made her mouth water and her stomach growled, but stopping her from moving forward was the presence of her mentor.

      "What do you smell?" Silence was broken by Domina's soft voice next to her ear. Without excellent hearing she might never have heard.

      "Garbage."  She replied adding a silent duh, to herself. Never would she dare speak to Domina that way, well not unless she wanted those blades to be sticking from her chest instead of their prey's. As far as she knew no one spoke to THE GREAT Domina that way, not even the elders. Just when August thought an apology was at hand her mentor simply rolled her eyes and lifted her face to the moon inhaling deeply. Her eyes widened with hunger towards the stumbling prey in front of them, but the wind picked up and suddenly her attack was stopped short.

      "Smell with your other senses and tell me what you think." August almost whined impatiently as she watched the couple stroll out of the alley. She did, however, as she had been commanded and inhaled with her otherworldly senses. Smelling past the reek of the bile next to her was not easy and just as she was about to give up she caught a sweet sent in the air. Instantly her fangs extracted and her body tensed ready to strike. Hunger shot through her almost causing her to go into convulsions. Instinctively Domina grabbed her waist pulling her back from the brink she never knew she was on.

      "No, you must control your desire and smell again." The arm around her was like steel firmly holding her into place. She tried once again, this time anticipating the smell of blood that hit her.

      "Ewww!" She proclaimed while holding a hand to her nose. "Is that old blood I smell, from a dead person?" The once sweet smell had turned rancid, she took a step back as if pushed. Domina nodded pushing the newbie back behind the dumpster just as a hooded figure made their way into the abandon building next to them. 

       "Stay here." Domina said, that strongly implied there would be no discussion on the matter.

       "It's Auggie." She said instantly regretting she opened her mouth.

Correcting the most awesome Vulcan warrior ever was bad....real bad. Domina paused only for a second, glaring into Auggie's eyes before following the suspect through the door. As she went, Domina, released the blades from her back. Two short sickle swords that curved wickedly for close combat. They were bronze and embedded with hieroglyphs.

 Rumor has it, the writing on her blades are a blessing from another language, long ago. Even in darkness, the blades shone leading the way as Domina slowly progressed, quietly into the building.    

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