It all started like this

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" Come on Shai!" yells Megan.
I run to catch up. We're going to this party and we don't want to be late. We walk in and it's filled with people. Everyone is dressed up all elegant - like. Fancy, $1,000 dresses, high heels, makeup. Megan and I are wearing t-shirts, shorts, flip-flops, and headbands. We don't fit in.
"Why are we here and dressed like this?" I ask Megan looking down at my feet.
"I didn't know it was gonna be a fancy party. Robert just told me it was just for fun," replied Megan.
Robert is Megan's boyfriend. He's okay but he's not very bright. My boyfriend on the other hand is smart. His name is Bryan. He's captain of the football team, so when he asked me out I was confused because I am FAR from popular. We've been dating for three months and 11 days. I know he's supposed to be here too, but I can't find him?
"Do you see Bryan?" I ask Megan who is drinking blood red wine.
"No I haven't seen him. He's probably with Robert," she says looking around. "You're not supposed to be drinking Megan," I tell her, "you're only seventeen. You can get into a lot of trouble for this."
She puts one arm around me and says, "It's only red wine Shai. Calm down. Here, Drink some!"
She holds the glass out in front of me. I turn my nose up at it.
"No thanks. I don't drink since I'm under age and neither should you Megan!" I yell.
"Come on Shai! This is our first party! Can you not be a goody-goody for one night?"
I sigh. I take the cup out of her hand and drink.
"That's my girl!" Megan chants. "Megan, you're so stupid," I laugh.
She laughs too.

The wine tasted bad for the first couple tastes, but I keep getting more and more. I'm starting to feel dizzy so I go and get Megan.
"Hey Meg, I'm not feeling well. I think I'm gonna go home," I tell her trying not to pass out.
"Oh come on Shai Shai! Don't you wanna stay?"
I can tell she's drunk.
"Megan I really don't feel well and I need to get home," I tell her with some frustration in my voice.
"Okay Shai. I know you would never lie to me. Let me go say 'bye' to Robert and then we can leave," she says with understanding.
"I will be in the car!" I call as she runs to Robert.
I grab my purse and head outside.

Megan arrives at the car and looks at me funny.
"What?" I ask as she stands there staring at me like I've lost my mind. "You're not driving us home Shai," she says like it's obvious.
"And why not?" I snap at her.
My head really hurts and I just want to go home.
"You're DRUNK Shai! You're not driving us home drunk!"
I let out a huge sigh.
"Megan, YOU'RE the one who's drunk NOT me!"
She just stares at me.
"Shai, I'm sorry. I guess I just had a few too many. Here, I brought you one for the road. It might help your headache." She hands me the cup.
"This is beer not wine," I say confused. "Yeah I know. Robert and his friends brought some 'just in case'. Try it Shai! It will help," she says with a smile.
I take the cup and dink it all in one quick sip. It soothes the pain a little. I guess she was right.
"Do you have anymore?" I ask her. "Duh! Now why would I pass up the opportunity of free beer and only get one?" she asks me.
"You wouldn't," I laugh.
She hands me another and I drink it faster than the last. 

I take another from Megan. This is my tenth one. It's starting to taste bad now and I feel even worse than I did before. "Okay Megs this has been superdy duperdy fun and all, but I gotta get home to my mother," I say as the alcohol talks for me.
"Okay Shai Shai!" Megan laughs. "Hey!" she shouts, "that rhymes!"
We both laugh and I stumble around to the drivers side of the car. I barely get the door open. When I sit down and shut the door, I reach for the wheel. I start the engine.
"You're gonna have to tell me where you live again," I laugh at Megan. "Haha okay!" she laughs.
We pull out of the parking lot and onto the main highway. I can't see the speed limit signs because my vision is so blurry. I'm probably going 65mph so I should be good. I look over at Megan and she looks at the radio.
"Do you want me to turn it up?" I ask with a smile.
"Hell yeah!" she shouts.
I blast the music so loud that we can't even hear ourselves sing. I start to drive faster. I look over at Megan as we sing the chorus to "Wannabe" by the Spice Girls.
"If you wanna be my lover!" we shout.
I look back at the road.


Sirens fill the air. I hear people all around me.
"Quick! We need to get her to a hospital stat!"
I hear one voice shout.
"Her heart rate is dropping! We need to move now!" yells another.
I open my eyes. I try and sit up but I can't.
"She's lost a lot of blood. We need to call a blood bank and make sure it's ready at the ER!"
one woman shouts. I look around. I start to hear nothing now.

Everything goes


Hey guys! I hope you like this story!

I will be writing this until my high school years are over. (I'm a freshman now.)

Thank you to my friend Allyson (I don't know her Wattpad user) for giving me some ideas!

My Instagram is:  ascendantxserum I post Divergent and Shai pics. Give it a follow? :)

Represent your flag! :)

~ S.

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⏰ Last updated: May 15, 2016 ⏰

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