"Demension" Part I

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"It's okay Mawile. I'll protect Larvesta, go help Scyther." "I can handle them myself. Mawile, don't leave his side." There's no doubt Scyther has come far through our training together... So have I. "I know you're afraid Larvesta. I know you're lonely. I know that you're still starving. I know somewhere you can get something to eat that doesn't intrude a Pokémon territory. Actually we could all use something to eat. What do you say, Larvesta? Great. Let us carry on then." Mawile, Togepi, Scyther, and Larvesta.... "I discovered my abilities before the war. It was the philosophy of my grandmother and I that Pokémon weren't meant be meant to be used as weapons. That they were like weren't much different from any person. Maybe I was wrong then, because they seemed to already have the same peace that the humans so desired. It angered me that to achieve their goal they were willing to take it away from them. My grandmother helped me hide Pokémon I had sheltered but we would soon be discovered. I figured out a solution but still I couldn't stop the war. My power wasn't as strong as I thought it was. She gave her life to when I tried to suspend us in time. My power it wasn't strong enough, not to keep holding us. That's when I met Dialga. I'm not sure if it was reaching out to me or if we became connected when I suspended time but it was at that time when we finally face to face, it was frozen. The force of the blast was great. It had to suspend itself to avert the impact. I think yet at running from something it tried to save us. But that power surging through me... I couldn't move. I know Dialga meant well. My grandmother wanted to save it and then she was lost for so long. She finally came back after all that time. Then she gave her life for us to be free. Times have times have changed now. People and Pokémon fight side by side each other. And now I know I'll be fighting side by side with each of you. But I want more than that. I want to restore the peace that Pokémon came into this world with. I won't won't disturb this new world, I'll create beside it; I'll bring endangered Pokémon to a place where there is plenty of food. Mawile, Togepi, Scyther, and Larvesta, will you help me achieve my goal?"

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