Beth's Tide ~ Little Women

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Little Women

Based on the Novel by Louisa May Alcott

Adapted for the stage by John D. Ravold

(Approximately 1 minute)


You'll tell the others won't you Jo? I've heard that people who love us best are often blindest to such things.If they don't see it you can tell them for me. I don't want any secrets and it's kinder to prepare them. Meg has Johnto comfort her, Laurie will comfort Amy, but you must stand by Father and Mother. Won't you, Jo? I don't knowhow to express myself and shouldn't try to anyone but you, because I can't speak out to anyone but you. Jo, dear.Don't hope anymore. It won't do any good. I'm sure of it. We won't be miserable, but enjoy being together whilewe wait. We've had happy times together, haven't we Jo? And I think the tide will go out easily, if you help me.


Note From Roanoke Children's Theatre:

This is a very challenging monologue. Do not play it "sad." They key is to show Beth's quiet strength. Even whenshe is most afraid she puts the welfare of her family before her own. If tears come that is fine, but do not try to makethem happen.

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