-Chapter 2: The Second Sighting-

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The guys and I met up at lunch at school and were asking if we saw anything qierd on the news last night, and as soon as someone started to say something the TVs were showing a live breaking news broadcast that a large, bipeadal, wolf-like creature was caught on a resturaunt security camera, then when the thing looked at the camera, it cut to black. Then the newscaster said they found scratches on the side of the resturaunt and I took on a complection of a solid white color.
Me: Guys, this is baad...
Kane: Nooooo! No, its great! PEERFECT!
Me: Calm down! Damn!
Leroy: Shut up! Theres more.
Then the screen went back to its normal state. Terrified, the school let out early, not to be in session until the last day of the month. The cops put a curfew on the residents of the neighborhood, and set up a neighborhood watch (not that they could do a damn thing). We went to our hangout spot which is Kane's house and used his internet to look up the woods of Point Pleasant on Google maps to study the terrain. Then we went out to the base to get our gear. I loaded the food and weapons into Kane's camper and we left that night. When we got to the hotspot of the sightings, we found a nice spot in a parking garage and set up there. I kept watch that night, and everyone else went to sleep. I was more than ready if it showed up. I had a sword, a rifle, ammo, the works and I saw nothing. The next morning I woke up the guys and we went on an investigation. We went to the sights of the sightings and asked the witnesses. First was the restaurant.
Me: Can I see whoever runs this place? The manager maybe?
Waiter: Yes, I'll bring him here, sir.
Me: Thank you.
We ate our flapjacks and drank our coffee until the waiter arrived with the manager.
Me: Can you tell us anything about the werewolf that was seen on the security tape? Anything besides what was released to the media?
Manager: All I know is it showed up out of nowhere and started terrorising the people.
Me: How long do you think it has been here?
Manager: I haven't really known about much with this town, I just moved here a week ago. I'm sorry I can't tell you more.
Me: You've been more helpful than you think, thanks.

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