Part 13: Sherlock Holmes

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Sonata directly took a stab at John. My John. Yet, John spoke to her calmly. He tld her that, like with me, she couldn't be second best to anyone or thing. Then John said something that he couldn't take back.

"For God's sake! Sherlock may not have said anything but he wants to be a father to you too!"

It then hit me. I wanted this musical genius for a daughter. My Sonata, My Child.

Then, Sonata held a shakey smile. "No he doesn't." She whispered. At that moment I set my violin down, and didn't care that the bow fell with a clatter. Right after that was said I wanted to prove that I cared. "Stupid setimental feelings." I thought, "stupid feelings."

Regardless of my thoughts, I scooped the girl from her piano stool, and into a hug. "Don't say that I don't care. I may have difficulty showing sentimental feelings, but I do have them. Usually they are only towards John, but within a day, you gained them.." I stopped took a breath in, "I can deduct that you haven't felt loved except by John and Clarissa. But I feel sentimental emotions towards you." Sonata's breathing hitched, she was crying.

John looked as if he was the proudest person in the room. He was proud of what i just admitted to, and wrapped his arms around Sonata and I. He then noticed her silent sobs.

"Sonata, love.." He started to comfort her.

"No, I'm dreaming, all I've ever wanted was to be cared for, and now I'm going to wake up and find all of this gone..." An audible sob came out muffled by the embrace we were still contained in. "And it will be another day of planning preformances so we don't end up on the street."

"Why?" John asked.

"Because, up to a couple years ago she was a part of a special organization. It gave us a ateady income, but the leader of the organization was killed a couple years ago."

Without warning Mycroft jumped up with John's computer in his lap. "The web, Sherlock!"

Morarity's web.

John knew exactly what this meant, but connected pieces that didn't fit in my mind. "They wanted to kill Sonata." John's voice, filled with anger caused a heat of rage to build in my chest.

Sonata then stepped out of our grasp, "Don't worry about me." She said pulling 'ninja stars' from her boots, and in one fluid motion had impailed the smiley with the knives. "I didn't just go to music camps. I had training to defend myself."

"Who administered your training?" Mycroft asked.

Sonata then ran through a list of organizations, including Mycroft's people.

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