Chapter 1.

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   My mom sent me to this local community center to join the Boys and Girls Club beacuse, I'm an only child and my dads off doing god knows what.

   Well so I'm in the bathroom trying to pull a prank on one of these bullies who picks on little kids and the janitor white graying hair that that is balding in the middle and belly the size of my head comes in saying "Hey Justin this prank better not make a mess for me to clean up."

   "It won't Gary relax." I say with a smile.

          30 minutes later

   "JUSTIN IN MY OFFICE NOW." I walk to Mr. Millers so called office it's really just a supply closet with a desk in it. I sit down and let the lecture begin "I'm going to have take you apart limb from limb." Wait what did he just say. Mr. Millers starts getting bigger and bigger until his so called office is really crowded. The first thing that pops into mind is RUN mostly cause Gary (the only friend I made in this place.) had yelled it as loud as possible. I turn to see him with the door open and a broom that looks likes like it could be what was of Mr. Millers toothpick after he is done with me.

   Gary throughs broom javelin style into Mr. Millers eye. "AHHHHHH." Mr. Miller cries out in pain, as me in Gary run. I can hardly keep up with the guy which is strange considering he has a good 40 years on me and about a hundred extra pounds. Before we leave the Community center Gary graps a mop with a weird bronze handle and his keys.

   He turns towards Mr. Miller and says "You will not hurt this demi-god you disgusting giant!" What did he just say Demi-god and Giant! Gary throughs the mop too and it connects with the other eye (You'd think he would of seen that coming but nope.) The Giant dissovles into dust. Gary grabs my arm with his shaking hand and says "I will explain." He rushs me to his car and takes me to my house. We walk in as my mother is cooking and when she sees me and Gary she nearly throughs the pan.

   "What happened to you guys your so scared." She says with a concerned look. (If you are wondering why Gary knows where I live and why my mom isn't Freaking out right now it's because we have had Gary over for Christmas and Thanksgiving last year cause he doesn't have any family.)

   "I don't have any idea what just happened." I say sitting down in the kitchen.

   "Ma'am may I have a talk with you a second." Gary asked my Mom she agreed and they walked out of the kitchen. They walked back in and looked a me with sorrow.

   "Now Justin we have to tell you something that's going to change your life forever." My mom looks at me as she a tear flows down her cheek. "It's about your Father." She goes on to tell me that my father was a greek god which I don't know much anout but I know that there not real. She also says that i have to go to this camp for kids like me in New York. She continues by saying that Gary a 55 year old Janitor is going to protect me on the way there. I ask her why she wont just let me stay with her her in New Jersey but she says its for my own good (and I know what your thinking what mother would let her own child go to New York with a janitor as protection the answer is one with a good enough reason so I guess i should take this serious but its hard with people talking of gods and a magical camp where I can be safe. Me and my mom say are good byes and Me and Gary take off to up state New York.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 28, 2015 ⏰

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