Face First, Feet Second

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                                  WARNING: DO NOT TRY THIS AT HOME.It could lead to serious injuries.

        I have seen people fall on their face first and their feet bounce back and kick them in the butt.I call it a K.B because they get kicked in the butt.One time I saw a kid try to jump over a chair and got his feet stuck and fell face first and his bounced back and kicked him.They didn't even notice I saw it.

        Many times I have had a K.B moment.On day,I was getting ready to go somewhere and I tripped over a bin and fell face first and kicked myself. When people see things"All Gone Wrong"they usually laugh but "PAY BACK SUCKS".They have consequences for it so if people laugh at you cause something happened that was funny to them I would start laughing myself because something funny is going to happen to them for it.

        Another funny part is when people fall they sometimes stay down like they are going to rest for a little while and secondly it is usually in the road.They could get run over or yelled at.People are so stupid these days for the stupidest reasons.The people who complain about getting yelled at or ran over are idiots because it is their fault which is funny  to me. 

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