Kirra Limeheart

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Name: Kirra Limeheart
Race: Zebra-pegasus
Age: Year older than Pinkie Pie (if you get the reference comment below XD)
Height: 6"2'
Weight: A lady never tells her weight. A nice person never aSKS. (I am guilty of asking)
Appearance: Teal and green Zebra-Pegasus with light blue and bright blue & soft red hair
Backstory: Her mother had traveled from the EverFree forest to live in Ponyville and met her father, a Pegasus. They married and had Kirra. 2 years after Kirra's birth her parents had another child, a plain Pegasus. During elementary, Kirra was picked on for being a zebra, something much different from the regular unicorns, pegasi, and earth ponies. It got so bad that one day she up and left the school, and had her mom teach her. Her brother stayed in school, and did much better than Kirra, and he was always rewarded with something, while Kirra didn't usually get any rewards. And since he was the younger brother, he got more attention. Kirra became depressed, but when around others she didn't show it and kept all her feelings to herself. She didn't cut or attempt suicide, she just stayed in her room and drew. She thought she didn't matter to the rest of the world, so she tended to stay alone as much as possible.

Personality: Shy, bit depressed, insecure, loving, caring, kind, overall selfless.
Strengths: drawing, singing
Weaknesses: Hate, misunderstanding, isolation.
Gender: Mare
Sexuality: Straight

Tbh, most of this is my life :| but some is a little tweaked to make her her own person- err, pony.

Tell me in the comments who you want to know about next :3

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