The day we met

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                                                                   STORYS POV
As y/n was walking threw the field of tall mushrooms,She saw some white ears peaking out from one side of the mushroom.
"Oh mr.rabbit !"
She said while running towards him.Ciel stopped and turned around.
"Why hello their Alice"he said
"Alice?"it's Y/N you protested.
"Are you sure?"
he said ,"yes I'm sure i never been Alice I'm y/n"you said

Ciel smirked and pinned you too the floor "oh really prove it to me then."he said
"Ok if you want me to prove it to you we will have to go somewhere private
"you whisperd.

"Ok then" Ciel said as he helped you get up and took your hand.
The two of you began to walk as you both arrived at a little small white house.

"Who's house is this"you asked
"It's my house silly"
Ciel said as he opened the door still holding your hand.
Ciel let go of your hand and locked the door behind as he took of his jacket.

"Oh mr.rabbit you have such a lovely home it's so cute and small"you said as you walked away from Ciel walking into his  room and sitting on his bed.

Ciel walked in "you don't have to call me mr.rabbit call me Ciel."he said while removing his gloves.
"Is that so"
you said while removing your apron
Ciel approached you laying you down to the bed as you stared into his blue eye while the other was covered with a patch .
You closed your eyes as you felt warmthness on your lips.

You wrapped your arms around Ciel's neck as you began to kiss back.Ciel broke the kiss"your so sweet y/n I'd like some more"he said

"Your too kind"

Y/n said as she went on top of Ciel, petting his ears
"Oh your ears so soft"
y/n said as she bit the tip of his ear playfully
"Hey,cut that out"Ciel said blushing
"Aww your so cute"
Y/n said nuzzling into his chest.
Y/n then began to unbutton his shirt,Ciel then went on top of y/n kissing her neck while Ciel was touching y/n.
This caused  y/n to let out a small moan.
                                                            STORY/YOUR POV
He then began to undress you leaving you in your underwear.Before you could cover yourself Ciel told you
"don't cover yourself just yet"as he began to suck and massage your breasts causing you to moan.
He then went down removing your wet underwear.
"Are you ready ?"he asked
you said as he began to postion himself into you.
You felt him come into you as it hurt ,after a bit you moved giving Ciel the sign.
Ciel began to thrust slowly.
"Ciieeell faster" you moaned
Ciel began to thurst faster with every thrust you gave a small moan.
He then almost came out but then came in to you, hitting you hard over and over
"C-C-c-Iel,ohhh I think Iam going to cum "
you said trying to grasp for air.
You then came as Ciel came right after you
He took himself out and he placed his tounge into you making you moan very loud.
Ciel loved the sound of your moans.
He then took his tounge out and laid down next to you.
You then went on top of him takeing his clothes off (everything) you licked his chest and then began to suck.
Making Ciel groan.
He placed your head further in ,you sucked hard making Ciel moan and groan.
"Oh y/n I-I-love you "
he said trying to grasp for breath.
You began to suck hard and slow making Ciel moan even louder,he then came in your mouth as you swollwed down.
                            He then pinned you back ,he was now on top of you from behind.
He went on your back thrusting you from behind,causing you to grip on to the sheets.
"C-c-Ciel "
He then let go and began to lick your back kissing you from behind and all over
Leaving you sweet kisses all over.
You sat up as Ciel sat up as well
"What time is it?"you asked
"It's 1 am my love"Ciel said
You laid down in bed with Ciel and coverd you self with a near by blanket that was in the bed.
The two of you then fell asleep.
The next day
You heard a knock on the door
"Ciel someone's knocking you said waking him up"
"What do you mean" he said
"I'm saying someone's at the door"you replied
"Oh it's just probably some random person or something "he said as he went back to bed.
"Ok if you say so"
you responded laying back down looking at him face to face.
"I guess you really are y/n and not Alice"
Ciel whisperd smiling.

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