The Vacation

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We had been riding in the car for about an hour now and I was already dying if boredom. It was amazing how fast it set in. One minute I was all revved up about going to Montana, the next, I just wanted to die. My legs were stiff from sitting down for so long and my brain physically ached from lack of stimulus. All I could do was sit there and look out the window at the few trees pass by on the highway.

And what killed me more than the boredom, was knowing that we had barely gotten out of New York State, let alone Montana! We still had at least another day to go!

And it wouldn't be so bad if I could read a book or something without getting nauseous. But, no. I'm stuck here doing nothing besides listening to my little sister, Sofie, watch Bob the Builder and my dad and my step mom have a heated discussion about something I didn't even care to listen to.

'This better be worth it.' I thought to myself. There better be something pretty damn awesome in Montana to make it worth this car ride.

"DADDY!!!!!," I wined,"I'm DYING!!"

"What now, Olivia?" My dad answered in a sour tone, confirming my earlier suspicion that he and Violeta, my step mom, had been arguing.

"I'm going to die of boredom if we don't get to Montana now!," I fake yelled.

My dad closed his eyes and pinched the bridge of his nose, sighing, as if he had a headache. "Olivia, if I was a magician and could magically teleport us to Montana, then I would. It would certainly save a lot of gas and complaining from you." He replied bitterly. He had a bit if an edge to his voice so I decided not to push him.

I just sat back in my seat and huffed. Looking out the window, I saw a few farms go by and I admired one that was solid white with a grey roof and the most beautiful wood work on its edges and a huge balcony that over looked the weeping willow trees in their back yard. I craned my neck to see the house as we passed by. I always dreamed about living in a house like that. I leaned back in my seat and closed my eyes, just dreaming about the future and possible even reaching Montana before I turned to dust.


I awoke with a start, my wide, panic-stricken eyes frantically searching the now empty car. I could hear my heart pounding in my ears and I couldn't stop my breaths from coming out in gasps.

Thats when I noticed the cool breeze blowing across me and I peered down at my little sister standing just outside my open car door. She clasped in her hands a cup that used to contain ice water, but was now all over my face.

"Sofie! Why did you do that?!?! You scared the crap out of me!!" I yelled at her.

"You wouldn't wake up!!," she yelled defensively. "And if I scared the crap out you, then maybe you should go to the bathroom."

I ignored her comment. "Where's dad and Violeta?"

"They're in the hotel getting us a room." She pointed to the building we were parked in front of. I hadn't even noticed it was there.

"What time is it?" I looked up at the dark sky and realized I must have slept quite a while.

"I don't know! Go ask daddy." She said and walked back to the hotel. I rolled my eyes and followed her.

'As soon as I get in there, I will take a nice hot shower and go to bed.' I thought. I quickened my pace in anticipation.

The lady at the counter didn't even bother to look up at as us as we walked in. Apparently, her nails were much more important than paying customers.

"Umm... Excuse me?" I said leaning on the counter.

The lady, who looked to be in her mid-twenties and wore way too much red lipstick, lazily looked up at me. "How can I help you?" She asked as if she had said it a million times and didn't even need to think to say it.

"Can you tell me what room the couple that just came in here are in?" The lady rolled her eyes and grabbed the notebook in front of her as if it took to much effort to do anything more than sit on her ass and do her nails.

After a few seconds she replied,"Room 24," and then resumed examining her too perfect fingernails.

I gave a slight nod as a thank you and walked down the only hall, running my eyes over the numbers. 18.....20.....22.....24.

I pulled open the door and the smell of stale air and dust hit my face. Sofie ran in the room and threw herself on the bed in front of my dad.

"Sofie please get out of the way, I'm tired and I'd like to go to sleep." My dad said, annoyance laced in his voice and I knew he was trying hard not to snap at her.

Sofie just sat there and stuck her lip out, giving him the puppy dog eyes. "Now" was all my dad muttered and that's all that needed to be said. Sofie slipped off the bed and marched away to the other room, huffing the whole way there.

I chuckled to myself and slipped into the shower, letting the warm water energize me and prepare me for what lie ahead. For all I knew, we weren't even going to Montana. My dad wouldn't tell us where we were going. I had to beg him to give up what state we were going to. And he could be lying. But for now, I didn't care, as long as I got out of the house and got to visit someplace new.

I stepped out of the shower and dried myself off with a stiff, scratchy towel that the hotel provided us with, then slipped my blue horse pajamas on.

Walking past my dad, who was already fast asleep on the bed him and Violeta were sharing, I went into the second bedroom which I assumed Sofie and I were sharing.

The bed was just big enough to fit both of us and looked like the beds you see on the commercials for Best Western hotels. My eyes drooped at the sight. I ripped back the covers and flopped down in the bed, which wasn't even half as comfortable as it looked. The mattress was as hard as a brick and the pillows were too soft with not enough stuffing. The blankets were thin and rough like sand paper and smelled like cheap laundry detergent.

'I certainly hope my dad didn't pay too much for the shity hotel.' I thought. Then drifted off to sleep.


I hope you enjoyed part one of my story :D thank you for reading and please vote and comment!!

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