One chance

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As I walk out from my shelter tent under a great oak tree. I brush off all the dirt of my shirt and stretch with the UV rays on my back helping me wake up. Such a beautiful day it is I thought to myself, then I went onto cleaning everything up and packing it all tightly into my bag since I am still on my quest.

After about 20min. or so I finally finish packing, for some reason it took me a bit longer then it usually would... "It's probably because of the weather today." I said out loud to myself. I then put my bag at the edge of a small pond and I slowly sit beside it and put my legs in the water turning them around in circles making little waves. I then just softly sink right into the pond feeling the cold water touch my skin, I float around a little before a sudden snap from the forest, I stay in the water but swim close to my bag so I can pick up my old small dagger and hold it close to my side watching the forest silently with my long ears. All the sudden a body comes out from the woods I slightly see a thing that looks like a tall male figure.

"So what do we have here? A lone elven girl in the water?" The male says when a large grin comes to his face. I step out of the pond and stand in front of my bag with the blade behind me, knowing he has not seen it yet. I laugh a little brushing my long hair away from my face and I grin slightly "I am a elven women thanks for asking." I lean forward ready to attack the male."Well it does look like you're alone alone my dear elven, I am making a guild called the dark hoods and I am looking for strong people to join." Strong people? I thought to myself, "you really believe that I am strong enough to join this guild of yours?" I said out loud. He laughs loudly and brushes his face with his hand. "Elven's always stay within their clan or tribe... and it looks like you don't have one my dear elven, a normal one would not have the same aura as you do." I shrug a little and look straight to the man stretching my arms over my head with the small dagger in my left hand. "Well I am different, so I got kicked out from my clan Dalieh." He looks down to me with his eyes wide open in shock.

He quickly grabs my right hand and looks straight to my eye's, I flinched from his quick moves but I look up to him as well, "what is it?" I ask in a soft voice. He leans a bit more forward looking at me and smiles brightly. "My name is Keon, Keon Cullen. What is yours? If you do not tell me then I will have to call you my dear elven." I growl slightly from that calling then sighed and looked up to him. "Iris.. just Iris, I removed my last name." He gasps slightly then looks away, I can tell from his face expression what he was thinking then Keon looks back to me and grins, "Iris Cullen, that is your new name. I have unofficially adopted you .. It looks like I finally have a younger sister." I look up to him in disbelief, how could all of this happen so fast? I thought quickly to myself.

He laughs loudly from my reaction and picks my small body up. "How old are you my little sister?" he asks me quietly, I shake my head a little and hold up my right hand to my head. "I am fifteen b..." I could not say that word yet, not when I just met him. "Well then you are definitely the youngest of the family my dear Iris, well now that we have done our introductions shall we be off?" I sighed and nod softly grabbing my bag and putting the knife in the hold of my hip then looked up to Keon. "Which way?" he points south from our position and so we head off to the guild. "May I ask why are not wearing any shoes? The sharp pebbles must be hurting your poor feet." I look up to him and smile a bit, "I love the feel of earth between my toes, I also don't own a pair since they will be just ripped apart between times." I answered back. We continue to walk towards the guild and he still continued to ask me questions alone the way.

A day later we finally get to the guild, I look up in amazement since the building was so tall with the logo on the side with the hood design on it. "Well welcome home my dear sister." I twitch slightly to the word sister.. We just met yesterday and he's all ready calling me that, something odd is going on. I start heading to the door but Keon ran in front of me before I could touch the door, he looks down to me "just be careful in there my little sister, some of the guys are total nut cases." I laugh softly "Well I am around you for this long so I think I will be alright." He sighs and opens the door when suddenly a group of people come falling out and land on top of me. I'm down on my on my tummy with my hands spread out as I to crawl out of the pile when suddenly I feel a grip my jacket then get pulled out of the pile and dangling from my jacket, I squirm around like a turtle would when he gets stuck on his shell, i just gave up and just hanged their silently. "Haha looks like I caught a runaway." The man said when he was still holding me in the air. "Let her down Glen, she's my new sister." says Keon, I look up to the both of them with cute puppy eyes saying to put me down before I claw his face. Glen grunts and puts my small body down as I brush off the dirt and stick my tongue out at him.

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⏰ Last updated: May 10, 2013 ⏰

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