Crazy Crush Thing Through Network ♥

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~I don't actually know where to start=l *this is my 1st story here, so Pardon me if my grammar and words doesn't sound so perfect*

With all the happenings of my life...Anyway, I made up my mind, I'm gonna start with an introduction it would be rude if you wouldn't knew the real characteristic of the protagonist of this story. So, let me tell you, I'm an average girl...Simple yet sympathetic, 100% human(of course if you're in doubt) , a Filipina girl student who just love to take risk and explore the unexplored(lol), I'm someone who focuses on better things like my studies which is my top 2 priority next to family but this was before(ok, I'm not gonna tell you first why it suddenly changes,back in the introduction).I focuses on my studies, family and my pals as well, and I'm someone who only wants to keep a better friendship with my one and only bestfriend. She was the best for me, I really felt like the luckiest girl to have such a bestfriend like her. She's all I could wish for. Her name is so precious, Karlysle Dimples, unique right? I knew it, since most people can't perfectly read her name for the first time.But in this story, I prefer to call her " Karly".She's the closest person I ever had. Sorry for the long introduction. I know you're getting bored with this... Anyway, Relax...This story is amazing, so patience's worth reading;).I can't even type every single detail about my story, it's pretty complicated and long. I'm not gonna waste your time anymore, but one more thing, You are about to read my Crazy Love Story.

Well my prince and I , is kinda bestfriend. My whole personality, beliefs, feelings and the usual "ME" changes..From being nerdy to someone being inspired by just that 1 person that means so much in my life...

His presence is like a wave it takes away my positive and negative vibes. It left me feeling empty(that's what I thought) but because he entered my life I felt even better than before, he filled my life with happiness, and my whole world changes. I learned how love is measureless because of him...;)

WARNING: This story is kind of emotional...Yeah, it's deadly...full of emotions, but I assure you it's worth reading.

Ok, so here's how my story begins...

Mayvis, a simple yet kinda sophisticated girl, loves to deal with people personally or networkly.She loves talking most, its her thing. So she was in this school namely " PTCians University". Actually, it was in this sixth grade, where her life started changing.

On the opening of the school year 2010-2011, the month of June. This means another journey for her and her bestfriend but sadly this would also be the last year where she could be with her truly loving bestfriend. Because of the fact she is moving to another school soon when she will enter " Highschool". So Mayvis went to her school on this first day of class, as usual she chooses her best outfit which she always does on every first day of classes. It's not because she wants to impress someone but it's one of her thing too( her girly side )...

" This year is a long year for me, I need to make every single moment special " she said as she grab her things and went off to school.

She bids goodbye to her mom, and her mother as well saying good luck at her as she went away. While riding on her way to school with her two-wheeled service, she thinks of a lot things she can do with her bestfriend because of course she would not waste the moments they can make throughout this year.

Upon entering the school she greeted the guard just as she usually does before. She notice immediately her bestfriend.

" Hey Karly, how was summer?! , I miss you so much..." she said as she approaches her bestfriend, who really looks much excited as her.

" I miss you too Mayvis, " hugging her " I have been enjoying my summer that's why I didn't mind checking my facebook " her bestfriend said as they walk together going to their new room.

Mayvis entered their room, which has an air-free window that you can actually see people passing by...

After Mayvis and Karly talk about their whole summer story to each other, they tried to look outside the window of their classmates and schoolmates entering the gate and coming by. Just then, Mayvis saw a guy that really caught her attention, but she thinks it's a new student and probably looks like a Highschool hunk. Mayvis was curious that she even asked her chicka friend and is one of her classmate "Starlet".

" Starlet, did you see what I see? " Mayvis said with a bit of excitement, to spice her curious question...

" YEaaaaahhh... T..OTALLyyyy... I'm...STARSTRUCK, gOsh! " as Starlet said with glitters in her eyes.

" Well maybe, she's really starstrucked that guy looks a bit cute and handsome by his own unique looks. But he looks elegant and really moves just like any European guy " , as I said to my ownself quietly...

" Well, I must know his name=')... Just making another friends would be cool especially like him who has the looks of 'Edward Cullen'. He is too white, maybe because he was not enjoying his summer, people might probably mistaken him like a vampire(take that as a compliment).

Mayvis thinks a lot of this new heartrob guy. Anyway, she will always want to socialize with a new guy especially like him. Their school is quite small so she must know every single student in their school though not anyone knows her. She's doing this so if ever she would run as a candidate of their school govt. ( if it would happen ), she would know every person she would ask to vote her. Wise right? Well, in this situation of knowing her "New Mystery Guy" is not anymore that reason. Mayvis would not notice she's out of her limits when she meets this guy personally and networkly.

Until in the middle of the school year, she slowly learns something about this guy whether it would be his good or bad side,well not without her friends who loves to play ^Tayokok^ ( i know it sounds ridiculous ). Anyway, 'tayokok' is an outdoor game(maybe only in Phils.) mostly played with children but on our game every one is qualified to join it, that's the reason why I learned to know him more, another reason is I and him were a part of the "Tayokok Member" that's what we called to ourselves. We played alot, almost the whole afternoon we do it on our recess time but we mostly enjoyed it during the dismissal, on our wide field in the whole campus we usually played. I can see, his a type of guy who's kinda childish at play but mature in mind, yet a bit shy to anyone else. But still I can feel in my own that his a goodhearted guy. I like the way he meet new people, especially like me who looks like a snobbish. Yeah, I do look snobbish, though I love meeting new friends I don't easily show them my friendly side, ofcourse it's one of my technique to know them first. But now I can see his real personality which pleases me, it would be enough reason for me to be friendly to him... That's the best part meeting me;).lol. And yeah, I did found out his name it's " Tom Liam ",(thanks to Starlet, I think she is having a crush on this guy)...

That whole year of my life was really fun, I really did enjoy being childish when I'm with my Tayokok troops. I even wished once not to be fetched early in the school so I can play longer with them because usually I'm the first member to go home because my service was too "KJ" (killjoy, picking me up so early)

That year would be so dull without my bestfriend and tayokok members, who makes my life complete. As I recall those times, the most favorite part of mine is when my mates let me guard our territory, so it would mean being left alone and waiting. Well, that's what I'm good at. I'm usually told to have that position, it may sound lame but for me it was the best position of the game.So, while me looking out for our territory and my mates catching up and running after every opponent of the other group, I can see him teasing me away to catch him but I would never dare, ofcourse I knew his temptimg me to leave our own territory for them to attack and possess our territory...Well, I really want to run after him and try catching him it would be a lot of fun, but I rather stay and watch him.Anyways, my girl mates would be catching him. As I remember Once I tried catching him the best that I can to show them that I can also catched an opponent, until I didn't notice I was running out of breath. He was really a fast runner and very skillful, I maybe hated it cause I loss but it gave me a lot of fun chasing after that guy. Well, he became my favorite opponent. XD

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 04, 2013 ⏰

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