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Leos pov.

I sit at the table where I'm signing Bambinos CDs and ect. I look up to sign the next persons merch, she has long brown hair kind of wavy, you can tell if she cut her hair shorter it would be pretty curly, she's wearing a short top more like a crop top it has a simple pattern on it but it's cute on her; a maroon cardigan is drooped on over her shoulders going down to below her knees, she's wearing simple cute jeans that fit her curves perfectly. Her jawline is sharp and her lips are big and red (no lipstick I can tell) with the smallest freckle just above her top lip and if I wasn't admiring every part of her I wouldn't of spotted it. Her eyes are a sweet hazel brown she reminds me of a sweet caramel fudge.
"Hey girly," I say.
"Wait, ok so do you believe in love at first sight all should I walk past again?" She asks giggling. "Aye, come one that was a pretty good pickup line," she continues before I can answer back to her, I softly giggle to myself.
"Yep you've got me hooked," I laugh. "So what's your name," I ask.
"y/n" she answers.
"Aye, cute," I reply.

y/n pov.

Leondre is so cute he laughs at all my lame jokes, I can't help the lameness of them, Its just when I get nervous I crack jokes. I know bad habit.
"Do you want to take a photo princess?" Leo asks standing up.
"Yeah, I'd like that," I say. He walks over to the side with me and stands out of all the other Bambinos way. I take my phone out and hold it up to take a selfie. In the first selfie he kisses me on the cheek in the second one he holds my phone and I jump on his back like a piggy back. He hugs me and I hug back tightly it feels like we've been hugging for ages now, we both just haven't let go. He's so soft to cuddle and I feel so safe in his arms and it's so cute the way his arms wrap around me, it makes me feel like I'm actually cared for.

Leos pov.

We pull out of what was just the most enjoyable hug of my life it's so cute how she looks so gentle and soft but when she hugs you it's like she's holding on for her life.
"I should probably get back to the other fans," I say.
"Yeah," she says. "I'm gonna be ya Cinderella and accidentally drop my phone number and then run off into the distance, with my hair slowly blowing in the wind," she says smirking and laughing at the same time I giggle back she's already such a character and I've only spent like who knows 5 minutes with her.
"Haha, go ahead and I'll pick it up and slowly parented I'm running after you,"
I say joining into her quirky story.

So she drops her number and I pick it up and sure enough she runs off with her hand holding her hair pretending it's blowing in the wind and I slowly run after to her until she disappears out of the building. I smile to myself then wander back to Charlie.

y/n pov.
As soon as I reach the streets I stop running and smile to myself.

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