Between Right and Wrong, pick Right.

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Once upon a time, there was a boy named Daniel. He was a jolly wee boy who would always go out and play with his friends. Albeit, being around boys his age, they always get themselves into trouble. 

One particular day, Daniel was playing with his friends at the school courtyard when he heard a small cry. With curiosity getting the best of him, Daniel excused himself from his friends to go and search for the owner of the sound.

He rounded a corner and heard the cry much clearer, it was coming from a small alley between the school and the building beside it. There he saw a brown haired girl, crawled up into a ball;whimpering, asking for the bullies surrounding her to stop. But the two boys didn't stop they continued to kick her up on the side.

Seeing this Daniel wanted to tuck tail and run, pretend that he never saw what was happening and that he never knew. But his mother taught him better, so he gathered up his courage and confronted the bullies.

"Hey!" Said Daniel, "Stop it! And let her go!"

The two boys and the girl, who was with them, grinning while watching the girl get beat up, turned to look at him.

The girl spoke,"Get lost you! This ain't ya'r business!" As the two boy continued to bring pain unto the poor girl.

Clenching his teeth, Daniel closed his eyes tightly and shouted, "I SAID STOP!"

With that, the three bullies looked at him with glares and raised eyebrows.

"You wouldn't fuck off would you?" Said the girl, who has a lollipop stick in her mouth. she pointed at the two other boys, "you two, get him."

Daniel barely got anytime to prepare and block the assault as the two dashed towards him in haste. Blow after blow Daniel quickly found himself slowly getting pinned on the ground, he was losing his balance. He tried to strike back but failed in the process, as one of the bullies got a clear punch into his abdomen. This got Daniel to cross his arms on his lower body and wince as he dropped to the ground.

Luckily, a few of Daniel's friends were looking for him and saw him fell to the ground. They bolted towards Daniel's attacker as some of them left to call the others. The two of Daniel's friends, who he recognised as Jake and Josh, made a beeline for the two bullies. They tackled the two to the ground and quickly the situation developed into a fistfight with a bit of royal rumble. Soon after more of Daniel's friends came to his rescue and beat up the two bullies. as the girl bully got scared and ran, the other two followed with Daniel's friends on tail.

The brown haired girl, who Daniel tried to save, came up to him and asked, "Are you alright?" she asked with a worried look.

Daniel gave a weak smile, "I should be asking you that." They both laughed.

"Come on, let's get you home." The brown haired girl said.

"Shouldn't 'we' get you home first?" Asked Daniel, "you got more beat up than I did." He slowly got up, with the girl helping him.

"I'm used to it, and I live in the outskirts of town! We'll probably get there by nightfall, on foot!"

"Well, alright. I'll ask my mom to patch you up and call your parents." The girl nodded, as they continue to walk towards Daniel's house while supporting each other.

"Hey," said Daniel, getting the girl's attention, "you haven't told me your name yet?"

"It's Caroline," she said as she looked at him.

"Alright," he smiled, "Caroline? You said you're used to getting bullied like that right?" Caroline nodded. "Well, no worries. You're my friend now and me, and my friends always got each others backs, so you'll never get bullied again."

"Thanks..." Caroline smiled.

A few minutes later, they arrived at Daniel's house where his mom greeted them. Sure, seeing her only son all battered up she got worried until he explained what happened and told her about Caroline's way of getting home.

After a call, she told them that Caroline's parents will be picking her up by evening. Until then she decided to offer them a meal, which they immediately accepted.

On the table, sat a fried fish covered in tomato sauce. Caroline dug in happily, saying that it was her favourite dish, but Daniel barely touched his food.

"What's wrong Daniel?" his mother asked.

"This Salsa is so hot, it's making me cry." He 'Stated'.

The End.

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