#1: They're too STUPID to get it

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The sound of that bloody annoying alarm blared in my ears as I slammed the snooze button. I could hear the machine's utter protest while I threw it to the floor, unwillingly getting out of the comforts of my bed. Have you ever felt so lazy that at some point, your whole system might stop working and you'll just stop breathing altogether?

Well right now, I wish it would happen.

I could hear the call of my banshee of a sister, shrieking out my name to come down for breakfast. Another horrendous morning with that she-beast, and I swear I'll go ballistic soon.

After a quick shower and cleaning my so-called perfect teeth, I settled down on the wooden chair that's been with us for over a decade. An antique. A musty chair my father refuses to throw away. It looks like--


It has nails sticking out of it, pieces of Spruce and Oak, stuck onto the four legs. And dad still sees it as a special memento from his trip in Paris. Mom tried to burn it, but that man is pretty damn persistent. And I just have the honor to sit on it every time we all eat. Dandy.

"Oh Ellie! It's your senior year already! My cutie pie is all grown up~! And yesterday you were just this adorable toddler~." My mom kept gushing about my childhood. It did make me smile. I mean, she's the sweetest woman I know.

"Now now Carmen, Ellie here's a big boy. I don't think youngsters would tolerate your stories." Dad chuckled and shook his head a bit, before taking a long sip of his coffee. He's a good guy. Maybe not the perfect father, but at least he's not a homophobe.

And yes. I'm bisexual. Deal with it.

Shirley then started to 'rant' about me. "Ugh. El always gets scolded by Ms. Harrison! He's a total ass! How can anyone put up with him? Just because he's the top notcher he can just strut around all high and mighty!" My parents shrugged, knowing she was, as always, exaggerated. You see, I'm the smart one and she's the dumb blonde.

Added that I'm an orphan, who gives no shit about stupid rumors, my sister hates my guts because I am simply better than her. She has big tits and a small brain.

Go figure.

Mom kissed my cheek and dad gave me a reassuring pat on the back. Sending them both a small smile, Shirley continued to talk on her phone mindlessly as she drove away to school. I prefer using my bike. Motorbike.

Hopping on the leather seat, I put on my favorite bloody red helmet and sped away to that hell hole of a learning facility. I was happy that this would be the final year I'll be spending with those imbeciles.

Bitter? Maybe.

But the idea of having to waste my time with plastic-surgery induced cheerleaders, and dumber-than-rocks jocks can NEVER be my cup of tea. The fact that I share the same air with them makes me cringe in utter disgust.

Parking my 'baby' in my secret spot. Well no shit man; everyone hates me. If they ever find my sexylicious bike, they'll hurt him! Yes, HIM. I don't wanna make it a female; it might turn into a slut. Fucking every Triumph and Harley it meets! And papa doesn't want that. Not at all.

Grabbing my knapsack, I jogged through the huge mahogany doors to my locker. Pulling out only a notebook, not needing anything else, besides my pens and pencils, I went to my classroom, finding only a few students in since it was still early. I took my usual seat at the back, next to the window.

And for that, I am grateful to have this perfect spot. At least I can hear my thoughts here; with my music of course. Hiding the pair of earphones under my black hoodie, slipped both the ear-pieces on, blasting the volume to max. All Time Low's 'If these Sheets were States' in my ears, making me bob my head up and down just a bit. A small smmile on my lips formed as I mouthed the lyrics; if only my life involved a little sense, I would have at least one friend to accompany me.

Though being alone is alright too. Really, it is, but I want someone to discuss literature with. Not just Danny! Yes, Danny, my dog.

He's ten times better than these gits. And for some of you who are thinking, 'Hey, he's emo, he must cut himself.' GOD NO. Please. Stop. You all disgust me greatly;

Sure I get why my gothic looks mistaken me to do such, (I have no.. Hatred or issues with people who resort to self-harming; doing it just saddens me greatly.), but man, aren't you hypocrites smart.


The dreary voice of Mr. Jones made me shudder. And right on cue, the blonde man appeared, in all his cold and uncaring glory. Sure, everyone thinks he's intimidating; I just really think he has issues.

'Stick-up-in-my-ass' kind of issues. But I've seen him smile. And it was heart-stopping.

Enough of this hottie, lemme introduce myself, dear audience who put up with my words up to this point;

My name is Elliot Black, about to turn 18 and I love kicking ass. Literally. I'm your usual cocky yet sexy dude who will not tap any slut, but will tap those who are worthy.

Oh yes, yes, I know you want the D.

But this book, er journal, whatever, is for your entertainment. No, not really. I'm just downright bored. Bear with me please.

The sound of the bell made everyone grin as they chattered idly while leaving the room. I waited for all of them to get out before sprinting out the door. I was a bit claustrophobic you see. The idea of having to actually mingle with these imbeciles makes me nauseous, and the mere thought of being in contact with them disturbs me. Greatly.

I could hear the cheerleaders' whispering about my fag ass. I rose my middle finger at them, waving it at those annoying cunts. The principal was used to my attitude, and so are the teachers. They all know why I'm like this; and they couldn't blame me.

Heading to the library, Mr. Grey's kind greeting enticed to just go read a book and ignore the world. As I sat down, one boy snickered, and gazed at me.

"Hamlet? You read that shit?" He snorted.

I shrugged and continued to read.

"Oi! I'm talking to you bastard!" He hissed. Glancing at him, I stood up and kicked the irritating brat off of his chair.

"You'll pay for this Black!" He snarled and pounced on me. Snorting, I slapped him and threw an uppercut right on his pretty jaw. That flawless skin will now have my mark; how sexy. I chuckled at his dumbfounded expression and I could hear his questions as I checked the book out and headed to the exit.


Oh humans; they're too stupid to actually understand about my state of mind.

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⏰ Last updated: May 16, 2013 ⏰

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