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Dan's POV


I have finally achieved my dream job and my dream life. It seems that absolutely nothing could improve anymore. Over these past few months everything has been falling into place, developed into something I've longed for. Yes, I must admit a few little bumps along the road have occurred, although that hasn't stopped me.

At the moment I'm living in an apartment in London. My new job working at the largest lawyer agency in England is really close to my complex. I'm starting work today where I'll have a tour of the building. I'm pretty excited, seeing as I'll be meeting the one and only Phil Lester; who is the best lawyer in London. For a while now I've looked up to him, so it will be good to finally see him in person. I have continually seen him all over the news, doing all sorts of cases involving so many people.

It's 9am (15 minutes until I need to be there) and I'm getting very anxious to meet this Phil guy. I just don't want to mess anything up. The bad thing is I laugh when I'm nervous. It's not a very flattering trait of mine unfortunately.

Walking up the street towards the building suddenly feels really daunting to me. All these tall buildings are suffocating me, enclosing me into a tight box. My thoughts race around my head like a marathon. What am I going to say? What if he doesn't like me? Do I call him Mr Lester or Phil? There are just so many questions.

The moment I push open the wide glass doors to the building a woman rushes up to me.

"Hello! Are you Daniel?" she says to me, looking surprisingly chirpy for nine in the morning. I look down at her nametag, which spells out Tanya. She has a lovely floral dress on, which perfectly compliments her body shape. Her hair is in beautiful waves and her make up is bright and bubbly. This girl seems nice.

"Ahh- yes I am."

"Well Daniel, I'll be escorting you to Mr Lester's office. I'm Tanya and I'm the receptionist, feel free to ask me anything," she smiles then starts walking towards the lifts, the sound of her heels clicking against the tile floor.

Tanya has now left me, up on level 15 to walk into his office by myself. I take a deep breath and pull open the smooth, wooden door. I look up and see that he is sitting in his desk chair, with his legs propped up onto the table. The room is pretty large, with all four walls painted a faded black. His desk is at the far end of the room, centred perfectly in front of the big windows behind him. I can also smell the light scent of a vanilla candle and the smell newly furnished places have.

"Hello Mr Lester," I say.



oOps sorry for the ending oh wow i'm a meanie aren't i,, just u wait till the next part ;)))

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