The party (one direction)

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The party (one direction fanfic) part 1

Charlottes pov

"Hurry up Maisie Brooke's whining again" I shouted up to my friend " geez Charlotte it isn't easy to get three people ready for a Halloween party in 2 hours and just tell Brooke to shut up she always moans" she snapped at me and to be far that's the first time I have ever seen Maisie like this she's usually quite relaxed and easy going but for the last few months something has changed in her it's like she's flipped. Something's wrong but what I don't know I will find out though believe me I always do. So I walked in to the kitchen to find Brooke climbing to reach the sweets on top of the cupboard I decided to scare her so I put on my mask and crept up behind her and pulled her down she turned around and screamed it was hilarious I couldn't breathe I was laughing that much. I finally caught my breath and walked in to the living room and sat down and watched tv.

---------- 30 mins later -----------------

Suddenly Brooke turned around and her mouth gaped open she was staring at something. I followed her gaze to find my friend in a devil costume she had a short black skirt and fishnet tights on with a low cut red button up fitted blouse she looked beautiful she waked over to the mirror and put her devil horns on and said "are we gonna go to the part or are you two just gonna so there gawking at my outfit. I just laughed at he statement while Brooke got all hyper like the little thirteen year old she is. We stood up and walked to Sophie's house an dropped Brooke off then me and Maisie went back to her house and called a taxi. We waited for like ten minutes and Maisie screamed at the top of her lungs "taxis here Charlotte get your and down here now or we will be late .. er anyway.

Haha" I ran down the stairs and we climbed in to the taxi and off we went. It was about 10 minutes away right in the centre of holms chapel when we arrived Maisie got out and handed the driver a bunch of notes. We walked to the door and Maisie knocked and that's when I started to feel anxious as it was the first party I had been to since we stated college by Maisie looked perfectly fine. I really don't know how she does it.

Maisie's pov

I got out of the taxi and payed the driver then we walked up to the door and I knocked and turned to my friend he looked scared but I knew there was nothing to worry about so I told her that it was fine. That we don't have to worry cause it was Elle's party and Elle is our best friend so it's not like we don't know anybody. I could tell that it helped she looked more relaxed. I heard the door open and you will never guess who answered ....

AN. I don't do regular updates I update when I update cos I don't know where the story's gonna go it just happens. But I will do requests so if you want to be in the story I will put you in but if I don't see your. But i do requests just tell me nam age and appearance and I will put you in my next story xx

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