Wretched and divine.

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I am the Devil's smile,
The one caught everyday
A hopeful hero's speech
Won't stop the years you bleed
I am a hurricane,
And Army strong as one
As they sit back and laugh
The one you left has just begun

A world of hate awaits
We are The Wild Ones
They all look the same...
Our time has come"
Wretched and divine played through my speakers.
"Lilac!" My dad called. I sighed.
"What?!?" I called down.
"Can you come down here for a second?" He asked. I sighed and set my pencil down before pushing myself off my bed. I took a look in the mirror making sure I looked alright you know as good as you can in a messy bun and an over sized t shirt. I paused my music then headed down stairs. I reached the living room and took a seat on the black leather sofa. My dad was smoking a cigarette on the love seat and my other dad typing away on his laptop. Yes I have gay parents and I love them. I was adopted when I was a baby so I don't remember my actual parents. "What do you want for dinner?" Dad asked. I sighed and thought.
"Subway?" I asked. They agreed and daddy went to go get it. I went back up and finished my homework. Daddy came home and gave me my food and iced tea. I thanked him and went on skype. I called my friend calley. "Hey girl!" She said.
"Hey babe"
"What's goin on?"
"Just eating dinner."
"Oh you lucky bitch. I can't have food in my room."
"I know. Your parents are so messed up."
"Ugh tell me about it.
Her mom soon called her down so she had to go. I decided to take a long relaxing bath. I grabbed a book, a mcr cd and a towel. My bath was soon ready so I lowered myself into the soothing Luke warm bubbly grapefruit smelling water. I opened my book and started to read. After getting bored I grabbed my phone and started looking through my phone. When the water started to get cold I hopped out and wrapped a towel around my body. In my towel I went into my room and took my dishes down stairs and grabbed a water bottle. I sat down on the couch and looked on my phone some more. "Tomorrow your dad and I are going out so you'll be home alone feel free to have a few friends over Hun." Dad said. I nodded and turned on the tv. I'm one of those people who will sit around in their towel for two, three hours after taking a shower. As I watched criminal minds my eyes wandered over to my scars. I had convinced my dads not to put me in counseling luckily but sometimes they make me go to the school counselor if they ever notice me acting strange. I sighed and returned back to my show. After a few episodes I headed upstairs. I got changed while listing to bring me the horizon. I threw on my gray batman sweatpants and a tank top with silver wings on the front. I put on some deodorant and headed back down stairs after grabbing my purse. I slipped on my black and white converse. "I'm going to Starbucks be back in a bit" I said and left. My dads didn't care if I left as long as I told them were I was going. I walked down the street and along all the cars rushing to wherever. I had my earbuds in and my head low. I soon walked into Starbucks. "Hello welcome to Starbucks what can I get you?" The guy asked.
"Um can I get a grande vanilla bean?" I asked.
"Yeah can I get a name for that?" He asked.
"Lilac," I said. He nodded and types it in. I then went and sat down at a table. I got a text from my friend Tamara.
'Hey gurl'
'Omg hey'
'Whatcha doin?'
'Just waitin for Starbucks u?'
'Just chillin'
'Gurl we need to have a sleepover sometime'
'Omg yas this weekend?'
'Yeah. Mine or yours?'
'Kay well I'll see you tomorrow i gtg'
'Alright bye'
"Lilac" a lady called. I hopped off my chair and went to get my drink. I thanked her and walked home playing ptv as I walked. I reached home with a quarter of my drink gone. I stepped inside and shut the door behind me. "Dad, daddy I'm home!" I called. No answer. I sighed and walked up to there room. "Get a room!" I yelled as there on the bed my two father lay shirtless making out. They pulled apart. "We have a room," dad said.
"Yeah well suck my butthole!" I screamed and slammed the door and walked to my room laughing. I flopped on my bed and opened my laptop. I logged onto younow and started broadcasting.
"Hey hey hey people what is up tonight?" I asked. Everyone said hey back. I smiled.
I stepped under the freezing cold water. I shivered before adjusting to the cool water. I sighed in relief as the cold water poured down my body. I finished up in the shower and wrapped a towel around my self. I hopped out and put on a sports bra and some pj shorts. I then crawled into bed after flipping off my light.

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