Chapter 1

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"What's with the face?" my brother asked, a smirk plastered across his face.

"There's more room in the cupboard under the stairs at home" I snorted as I hauled my suitcase into the shoe box of a room without an ounce of help. I know my memory was as good as one of a goldfish but I specifically remember my brother describing his spare room as 'a spacious room'  on the phone but as I glanced over the dark, low ceiling room I was positive he'd either been high as a kite or lying through his teeth when he'd used those specific words. Either possibilities could be true knowing him, but it was most likely the latter. Even the best estate agent in the world couldn't sell this room as being 'spacious'. The only positive attribute was that the room was as far away from my brother's as possible. God knows what I'd have to listen to at night otherwise.

"Off you go and live under the stairs then" he retorted and gestured to the door, "I always knew you fancied yourself as a Harry Potter wannabe."

"Don't even start that argument" I warned as my brother laughed, "Harry Potter lived in a cupboard with horrible relatives, moved to a new school, befriended the smart girl and ginger kid and then went on to save Hogwarts and kill Voldemort. Do. not. diss. Hazza"

Aiden burst into a hearty laughter as I launched into my explanation. By now he must have heard this a thousand times. He knew he had nothing against my love for Harry Potter and there was no point in even trying to argue back. I couldn't help but smile at the comfortableness though. It had been a while since I'd felt so light- hearted and it felt good.

"Jesus I've missed you little sis" he chuckled attempting to ruffle my hair, which earned him a slap across the back of the head.

"Stop with the sappiness man" I groaned as I noticed Aiden's expression turn sad, "what?"

"You sound so much like Olly" he muttered rubbing the back of his neck, something he only did when he was feeling uncomfortable.

"I know" I replied sadly, as a tear slipped down my cheek, "He never was a fan of sappiness. Tough as nails he was."

Aiden smiled half-hearted at my attempt to lighten the mood but both of us knew a silly little joke wasn't going to bring him back. It was ignorant to think so.

"I've got to head to work Caz" he sighed using the nickname he'd given me when he was younger, heading back out into the hallway without as much as a goodbye, "Jack should be home soon, so you won't be alone for long!"

"WHO?" I shouted back curiously as I heard the front door open. Either my brother hadn't heard me, which was very unlikely with a foghorn of a voice like mine or he was ignoring me as I heard the front door click closed. Guess it was going to be a surprise.

Sighing as curiosity overcome me, I hauled my suitcase onto the single bed and unzipped it, throwing back the lid to reveal a messy bundle of clothes. I definitely wasn't a 'folder', instead I was more of a 'scrunch it up and squash it in" girl. Under normal circumstances my mum would have been the one to pack my belongings for me but she definitely wasn't up for it. When I thought about it, if my mum had been up for it I probably wouldn't be here in my brother's flat in Manchester almost one hundred and seventy miles away from home. Maybe if I didn't resemble my twin brother so much, she wouldn't be hurting as much and I might have had the option to stay in London. Then again would I have wanted to stay after everything that had happened?

I began to empty my suitcase at a steady rate. My thought's lingered on Aiden's words 'You sound so much like Olly' as I did so and I felt the pain of the last few months come surging back. I couldn't cry though; I wouldn't. It was the one thing my parent's couldn't deal with; my lack of emotion regarding the death of my brother. It wasn't like I was evil or had a heart of stone, that I didn't feel anything. I just couldn't...cry. Crying wasn't going to bring back my amazing twin brother. My other half. My best friend. I had to try and live my life if not for myself then for him.

I was rudely jolted out of my memories, as I heard the front door fling open. The sound of it colliding with the wall, indicated excessive force had been used and I felt myself become somewhat scared. Then again, I didn't think burglars or serial killers used keys, or gave their victims warning of their arrival so I took a deep breath and peeked my head around my bedroom door. As I did this my ears were subjected to high-pitching giggling and I cringed at the irritating sound as I realised my brother must have brought some whore back. Nice work Aiden. The giggling continued as I heard a lot of thumping around and grunts of pain before the sound of footsteps echoed as they approached the hallway. I should have just retreated back into my room at that moment, after all curiosity killed the cat.

Pity I wasn't a cat then...

Taking a step out into the hallway, I made my way towards the living room, where the high pitched voice appeared to be coming from. I closed my eyes praying I wouldn't see my brother getting it on before quickly stepping into the room and clearing my throat. My eyes flew open as the room went strangely quiet and I was surprised as I took in the scene in front of me.

The sofa, - the sofa I would be required to sit on to watch television and such things might I add - was currently occupied by a girl and a boy that was most definitely not my brother. The girl was shielded by the boy who was hovering over her but I could see enough to gather she'd obviously left her dignity at home. The boy who's face was hidden in the girls neck, was clad in a pair of boxers, nothing else as he muttered things into her ear causing her to giggle again.

"Erm...hi" I coughed, not feeling as awkward as I probably should have. This was my home now and I wanted to know who the hell was getting it on on my sofa.

The girl let out a shriek as she finally noticed me and jolted up off the sofa, causing the boy to fall off the sofa and land on a heap on the floor. I couldn't help but snigger as the girl pulled on a vest top as she attempted to cover herself. Pity it had such a low neckline. She was your typical 'easy girl' with her platinum blonde hair and heavy makeup. The boy made no attempt to cover himself or even get up off the floor but instead he looked up at me, taking me in before smirking.

"Well, well, well, it appears baby Evans has arrived" he drawled, finally pulling himself up off the ground and standing facing me, "life just got a million times better."

I felt myself blush at our proximity and I couldn't help but check out his naked body. It was evident he worked out if his chiseled chest was anything to by and I couldn't help my eyes trail to his v-lines which disappeared into his tight boxers. A chuckle brought me back to reality though, as the mystery boy caught me checking him out.

"And you would be?" I asked rolling my eyes and taking a step back. I noticed the barbie had taken a step closer to the boy as if marking her territory.

"Jack Daniels, your roomie" he smirked, "Don't worry, you'll be screaming it soon enough"

I realised this must have been the mystery Jack my brother had referred to earlier. Nobody had told me that Aiden had a roommate. Hell living with my brother seemed bad enough but living with two nineteen year old lads; this was going to be one adventure I wasn't sure I wanted to go on.

I snorted loudly as I noticed the girl's face turn to thunder at his response. as she secured her arms around his waist. Knowing she was one of those girls who would get her claws out as soon as she met some competition so before she could go off on one I quickly quipped, "Oh save it barbie. The only action he'll be getting his with his right hand" 
I saw amusement flicker across the girls face before it turned blank again, as if she didn't want to find me funny. I knew thought that someone was about to have a tantrum very soon and I definitely wasn't sticking around for that.

"Well, as fun as this has been." I snorted turning to head back to my room, "Actually scratch that, I'm fucking scarred for life. Nice meeting you barb. Later Ken" I shouted as I entered my room and slammed my door behind me. I could hear Jack chuckling from down the hallway as I plugged in my iPod and jammed the earphones into my ears. I didn't want to hear their domestic or their making up for that matter.

Who knew Barbie and Ken had domestics?

Then again who knew Ken was that fucking hot?

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