The blinding white light transformed into, colors once again. Opening my eyes, I saw the new place I was in, "yep... This is defiantly Elloris" I smiled too my self. I was finally back, after three years, and it was even more beautiful then I remembered and even more than what the book described. I had landed on a field that gave a gorgeous view over the environment. The field was only fresh green tall grass, that looked like the ocean, thanks too the refreshing breeze that flew through the air, there is all kind of flowers too be seen as far as the eye can see, the different colored flowers make it look like there was rainbows just lying down in the giant fields. Longer down the fields there was a lake, with crystal blue waters it was so clear that I almost could see the bottom of it from where I was standing now, in the horizon there is the outlines of a mountain chain, though something seemed of in that direction, anyway that did not ruin the view, I had forgotten too breathe, because of how stunning everything is. Which was a bad move on my part, why?, you'll find out now.
I turned around, finally looking at what was behind me, it was a giant forest "Magic woods" I mumbled, remembering that me, Aris and William used too play or train in this forest. "WATCH OUT!!!!" a boy yelled, I didn't react in time and he ran into me, pushing both of us onto the ground, him laying on top of me, now that he was up close I noticed how handsome he actually was, dark brown hair, and chocolate brown eyes, (let's say Dylan O'Brien as an actor/ or any other guy). "who are you? and what are you doing on top of me?" I asked, blushing a bit since I realized that I was staring at him, still looking him in the eyes, I saw a quick glimpse of my necklace shimmering, as if it was my heart fluttering... what the? I realized that he was staring at me too, them he shook his head getting back too reality, "well my name is Alexander, and I'm on top of you because I was running for my life but you didn't move out of the way so yeah here we are" he winked down at me, "well Alexander, why where you running for you're life, and why did you stop?" he was about too answer when he realized what was chasing him was probably right on his heels, "Shit!" he jumped of me, and helped me up then waved at me and saying "it was nice meeting you m'lady, I hope it won't be the last time I see you?" "I have a feeling we'll see each other again" I answered him smiling slightly he was a bad boy and someone I shouldn't be around, I could tell that much just by stealing a quick glance at his tattoo on his wrist, it was a dark blue dragon that swirled from his wrist to, probably his shoulder, I couldn't tell since his leather jacket was stopping me from looking at the tattoo/mark.
"right then, bye beauty" he said and ran of. My necklace shimmered once again 'di-did he just c-call me beautiful?' then the bushes behind me began rustling, "wait if he was running he led the thing that was after him, too me!" I backed up against the tree that was besides me, then the creature jumped out and began growling at me, though it didn't sound that dangerous? opening my eyes just a little too see a glimpse of the terrible creature, I saw too my surprise, a little wolf pup, it was light brown, with green stripes coming from it's paws, then making leaf and flower patterns on it's back and head. "Hey you! did you see where that boy went?" "yes he was running that way" pointing at the direction Alexander went, "he was running from something, would that happen too be you?" I bent down so I could talk with it some more. "That's right it was me, and he better not come back!... wait! you understand me?" it sat down and tilted it's head,with curriosity. "yep I do, it's one of my powers" as I said this the little wolf pup jumped back and began growling, "so you're a witch! and you knew what Alexander's name was, so you're working with him, you better get away from my forest!" "relax! I don't work with Alexander, the reason I know his name is because he ran into me and introduced himself, and yes I am a witch but a special kind... maybe this will tricker your memory" remembering the necklace, I lifted it up and it began too shine, the glow reflected in the pup's eyes, and his tail began too wag, and he barked happily.
"Your the guardian! well aren't I just rude... My name is Leafon, and I am the protector of this forest, though what brings you here? I thought that the guardians was supposed to be at the castle? you know helping the young prince William fight against, Coralina?" "Coralina? wait so that wasn't a dream, it was what really happened." "what?" Leafon tilted his head once again looking at me like I was a bit crazy, "oh nothing... listen can you get me too Will?" "Will? Oh as in William! prince William, wait there are only too people who call him Will, and that's Aris and Melissa that dissappeared three years ago" "dissappeared? everyone think I just vanished?" holding my hand to the necklace I took a breath... how could they think I dissappeared, I'm sure that I said. "wait you're Melissa! don't you worry great fellow protector" "Melissa is fine" "right then... Melissa don't you worry! I shall get you to prince William!" "thank you Leafon" 'but how is he going to get me there? is he going too point me in the direction of the castle or?.' Just as I said this Leafon said "step back" he then proceeded too transform, the green patterns on his paws, back and head began too shine, and he grew into a much larger and scary looking wolf. Leafon was now the size of a horse, "wow! wait you're only a pup right? how big are you going too be when-" "when I grow up? well it's normally the size of maybe four horses height" my eyes widened "four horses!" he nodded and bent down so that I could climb onto his back. After climbing up he said "hold on tight!" then proceeded too run, he was running with such speed that I clung too his soft fur. "HOLD ON? DO I EVEN HAVE A CHOICE?!".
Book of secrets
FantasyMelissa Moon, a ordinary girl or so you would think. Melissa has her secrets about magic how will she handle both her life on earth as a human and life in the four magical worlds, with new friends and foes. Can she handle the secrets of her heart th...