|one| "Dont be a pussy Jaime"

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I stared at my reflection in the mirror.

It wasn't me staring back, it was a rich snobby bitch who needed money and fancy golden plates and forks to eat or golden chalices to drink from.

I was Jaime Lynn Beatty. My mother and Father were the richest couple... I'm now starting to think... ever!

Most people dream of fancy bedrooms, luxury lie ins, fancy cars, butlers and so on but when you have it, you don't want it.

All I want is a normal life, meet a man, fall in love, have some kids and sit by the home made fire when I'm old with my lover and well, die a peaceful and happy life. But now all I will get is arranged marriage, snobby children, fancy fire places and golden rocking chairs and a man I was never in love with sitting next to me, watching our grand children play in their fancy iPads and draw with their damn 3D pen or whatever it's called.

I had enough.

I wasn't going to be trapped any more. I wasn't going to waste my life.

I packed my black, spiked bag pack with the essentials ( bobby pins, hair bobbles, a knife, my phone and... pads ) . By that time my bag was already starting now to weigh a lot so instead of putting in food I put in all 5 credit cards.

Before I knew it, I was walking up the street away from my house.

"What are you doing Jaime"

"Go back now Jaime, live the life you're ment to"

"Don't be a pussy Jaime"

"You can't run away from your problems Jaime"

A million regrets started filling my head. Too many times have I tried to run away and pussied out. Not this time.

I checked the time on my watch. 7:30. Shit. I could have left earlier could I? It was already beginning to get dark.

I had seen people in movies were they called a taxi and it came to them. Seemed easy enough.

As soon as I seen a bright yellow car drive by I yelled on it. Nope, probably busy. Another 7 went by and not a single one stopped for me. How rude.

"Damsel in distress?" An unknown voice said softly behind me.

'I'll cut them I swear to got ill cut them'

'... sounds like a boy... a cute boy...'

"What's it to you?" I said, trying not to stutter with fear.

"Chill, I'm just trying to help" replied the voice, moving besides me now.

As he moved beside me, I could smell him. I mean I didn't like, sniff him I just got a wiff of his sent in my face. Really nice coffee and chocolate.

"TAXI" He said, whistling after.

To my surprise, guess what? A damn taxi pulled up.

"Ma-Lady" He said, opening the door for me and signalling his hand inside.

"21 Avenue Q please" Said the cute boy I just got in a taxi with.

'What if he's the danger... nah all hotties are trustworthy."

I rested my head on the taxi window, staring out of it and watching my old life grow smaller and smaller, out of reach and out of the way. I was finally free.

"So, what's a girl like you doing in a taxi with a stranger?"

"Just... given up caring."

He nodded.

After that, the rest of the car journey was silent. But not the nice silence you get when you are with a new born baby and you're all just admiring it. No. The kind of silence during a math test.

We pulled up in this strange looking row of houses, small, fat and... old.

"That will be... $5" groaned the fat taxi man.

I pulled out a 5 dollar bi to see the taxi driver speed off and the boy putting away his wallet.

"T-thank you..." I stuttered

"Aren't you coming in?"

"guess who's getting laid tonight"

"Uh, yeah, sure."

Before I could even walk through the fm door frame, I walk pulled in, pinned up against the wall and aggressively kissed.

"This guy can kiss"

I began to kiss back, this time taking my bag off me and throwing it in the ground. His lips here making their was down my neck as he carried me up to the bedroom.

You can guess what happens next

OKAY! Hi, im Amy. This is my book. Beth will be doing some dialogue tho but I'm the main writer... so yeah... enjoy :)

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