Reverse Billdip

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A very unhappy Dipper sat, tapping irritated fingers against dark oak wood. An agitated hand swept through unkempt hair, revealing a familiar constellation. Tired eyes gazed at a tidy desk, oddly enough strewn with papers. He leaned back with a heavy sigh, trying to massage the furrow out of his brow with an index and a thumb. "Will," he snapped, "Tea. Peppermint. Now." The only thing to be heard was the soft noise of heels clicking to attention and a short "Yes, Sir," before gentle clacking exited through the large door and echoed through the aesthetically silent hall.

The Gleeful boy was made aware of his servant's return by the pleasing sound of his expensive dress-shoes colliding with the freshly polished marble floor of the corridor. A feature for William's attire that Dipper came up with entirely on his own after being "snuck-up-on" one too many times. He held his hand out flat, waiting expectantly, for the extravagant silver saucer that held an even more exquisite tea cup made of the same fine metal, as it was placed carefully into his skyward palm. He immediately wafted the rising steam, sending the sweet scent toward his ready nose. "No poison...Good boy." Will caught on to his 'joke' even though his master's voice showed neither ease nor quippishness. Silence filled the space between them as tea was sipped and speculated. A scanty nod was all that was to be received by the anxious scullion for his work.

The man stood tall behind the smaller, waiting and ready to jump at the sound of his keeper's command. Increasingly frustrated groans broke through the air as fists were slammed against the desktop, "THIS DOESN'T MAKE ANY SENSE!" Dipper growled, causing Will to flinch. He grabbed the side of the desk and shoved his chair back, standing straight and turning on his heel in one swift move. "Cipher," He snapped his fingers as he declared, "Entertain me. Make me feel better." Confusion and fear shot through Will's expression, weakly responding, "H-How, master?" A mist of regret clouded his mind as soon as the words left his mouth. A sick, frightening grin twisted it's way onto his lips as he stalked closer to his devotee. His chuckle was dark and scary, making Will quiver. "Bend your neck, William. I want to taste you again, I'm thirsty for something other than tea." There was a soft whimper emerging from a sideways arching throat, "Down where I can reach you." He spoke clear and stern.

Lowering to his knees, Will looked up at Dipper and watched nervously as his face came unbearably close to his own. He could feel his cheeks starting to burn once there were teeth grazing across his artery. He winced at the painful, wonted feeling of sharp incisors piercing his skin, knowing he'd never get used to the feeling of blood leaving his body. Desperate fingers pushed there way deep into Dipper's shoulders, "Ah-! M-Master-...It hurts-.." he breathed hopelessly, all too aware that this is exactly what Master Gleeful wanted to hear from him. "Shut up, demon." The boy complained into his neck as Will stared to tear up. A small hand was clasped over his mouth to muffle his sobs. Helpless shivering was all he could manage, never daring to admit to his master that he enjoyed the feeling of his own pain. The heavenly scented brown locks that once tickled the blue-hued servant's neck and collar bone were now missing as the tempered young man moved his head to give an unamused glare. He swiped the tears away and sighed, "Stop being such a baby about it." A light kiss was planted onto a shocked face that seemed to melt. Embarrassment washed over Will and the unmistakable love was apparent in his gooey gaze, gloved fingers gingerly touching a gorgeous, youthful set of cheeks. Lips pressed tenderly against his master's, he felt as if he'd never again be able to reach this level of contentment for as long as he lived.

It's short but I mean, hey. Reverse billdip is life so take what you can get and eat your heart out! Hope you liked it, if not suggest something else and I'll get right on it! Thanks guys.

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