Ch. 9 - The Hell Soon Ends

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Another cutscene played. This cutscene was pitch black again. As the game's credits slowly rolled across the screen from right to left, I heard PaRappa speak in a monotone voice, "She said she'd bring me back to life. She said she could help me. She LIED to me!" I jumped when he yelled out the word 'lied.' He kept talking, "My friends. They all miss me. I wish I could rejoin them, like the old days. I wish I just had the strength to be happy through these dark times." PaRappa then sobbed quietly. After the last credit vanished, PaRappa said one last thing, "You saw what needed to be seen, and you'll never see it again." After that, the jumpy and cheery music suddenly returned on both the loading screen, and the main menu. I wanted to start over again, but I couldn't. Everything was back to normal now. Nothing was changed at all. The cutscenes were normal, the stages were normal, the ending was normal. Everything was back to the way it was supposed to be. I hope that whoever reads this will be enlightened, or at the very least, entertained. Heh, looking back on this whole thing, I guess what PaRappa said was true: I had seen what needed to be seen, and I'd never see it again...

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