some weird pups

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lelly POV

I was walking back from school. I had a good day my friend and I played a joke on our other friend. I started to open my door my parents were out for a year on a "bisness trip" as they said. My aunt would come over and bring some food for me so I doin't get hungry. I walked over to my computer in my room I looked up skydoseminecraft to see what he uploaded.

time skip

I stretched and walked down stares there was a knock on my door. I walked over to see a box it had holes on it. I heard whimpering from the inside. I braing it in and put it on the Coffey table and opened it. I was meet up with green eyes. I looked in the box to see seven puppyes.                                                  

one have a grey with a wight strip down his stomick. he looked  like ross

one had a black belly and a puriple and wright jaket. he looked like jin,

one was puriple with a eyepach on he looked like a dinosaur. this one looks like jonh {barny]

one was black with gold and purple amulet. he looked like adum {skydoseminecraft}

one was red pale and blue he looked like he was wering an shirt and blue jeens. he looked like nick {SGCbarbarian}

one had a hat {doint now what jess looks like egsactly. she looks like jess {aphmau}

the next on had a wright and black face, blue jaket, and blue fur that looked like jeans. she looked like Brynn {wolffanggamer/me}

I smilled ate the puppys I let them scamper around on looked ate the chouch "doint even thing about it," I said she trotted of "you now I am going to name you all," I said I looked ate the wigth and blake faced one "I will call you wolffang, you can be sky, you can be barrny , aphmau , SGCbarbarian , jinbop and ross. I smilled this might not be that bad of a summer...


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