I've never felt so alone

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My name is Phoenix, no my real name is Angela, but nobody calls me that except the teachers on the first day of school. my dad gave that nickname after i fell in love with riddles when i was, hmm, oh I remember I was six when he gave me that name, i'm 16 now. But now that names seems ironic now. the ashes rain down from the sky and i am a new person for sure. Oh god do i miss my dad. why couldn't i have died like the rest. perhaps i should explain my situation. well it was just a normal Monday, dreadful and boring as always. who new Monday could get even worse? I was at home with my dad playing games on my X-box when all the sudden i heard this loud shrill of a bomb falling from the sky. I didn't know this, my dad being a retired navy seal kicked my door of its hinges and sent it flying to my wall. He grabbed me and flipped our huge oak table with his back to it. in the mirror i saw this huge flash of white, then a huge wave of fire and debris expanding outwards from the explosion. Everything slowed down. My heart beat pounded slowly in my head as I came to the realization that I was going to die. After that time resumed and every thing rushed forward. I closed my eyes and braced my self against my Dads chest. What happened next I could never fully explain the terror of  getting pushed across the room by a wave of pure heat searing off all my arm hair. The table had caught fire after the wave had passed. Then I realized something else as well, my ears are ringing. I felt my mouth open and close but I couldn't hear anything. People always said that it was like getting hit with a bus when the pain renders. Not in my case, I got hit by a train going downhill powered by jet engines and on fire as well. My vision blurred and darkened as I saw the floor getting closer. The last thought I had before blacking out was "I'm falling" then the world disappeared. 

My eyes crack open revealing nothing, pitch black. I noticed my face had been pressed against something warm and wet. I tried to move my arms to try and touch it but my attempts were greeted with pain. If i had to describe it, white, that is all i can think of it. I noticed that the wave of pain brought stars to my eyes. I slowly move my fingers in an attempt of gauging what has been hurt, the attempt failed when my left arm was shot with pain. As the stars cleared I think to myself "Well that narrows it down" but really, I can not call it a success. I see a flicker of orange out of the corner of my eye. I slowly push myself into a sitting position. I open my eyes once the pain subsides a little and what I see tore a hole in my chest. 

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⏰ Last updated: May 17, 2017 ⏰

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