Chapter 6

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Ainsleigh's Note: I love this dance, i'm currently trying to learn it right now, but i have updating to do as well as school and collage.

Unknown POV- I watched the blonde hair beautiful woman - one of the humans who had invaded my territory - very carefully.

I don't really know why i'm watching only her, maybe because she's strongest one, but her magic lower than the cat and the iron dragon slayer.

God damn it, if there's any one I should be watching, it would be that damned dragon slayer.

*growl* ugh, great I'm hungry now. But I need to watch them, they've stepped on to my territory I need to know if their dangerous or not.

Lucy POV- For some odd reason I felt eyes I've been feeling eyes on me. I know its not from Gajeel or PantherLily. Could it be that guy from before.

No he's probably half way to a European country like the author is.

"Hey guys I'm going for a walk I'll be back within the hour. If I'm not back by then it means that I'll be training Loke and the others" I yelled, walking away.

"Tech, fine but you better be back other wise I'll make sure your training is extra hard" Gajeel yelled - pissed if I may add.

Even though I was away from the others, I could still feel those same eyes on me, ones that are filled with caution, curiosity, sadness, pain, angry and......... and evil.

I shivered with both fear and anxiety. But i didn't know why i was worried, i knew why i was scared i mean who won't be in a situation like this.

Well........ Natsu sure won't mind, as long as he got have a good fight, but he's totally different from everyone else, he's and idiot he doesn't even know that the sun rises in the East and sets in the West everyday.

Anyway back to the story before Ainsleigh gets pissed again. The different types of emotions from the person following me were strong.

No woman could be able to produce that amount of hate, not even Erza after any sort of cake shop had been destoryed.

But she would kill the person responsible, so it has to be a male. He must of went through a lot of pain and sorrow to have come like that.

Timeskip- 2 hours or so later

It's been ages now since i walked away from Gajeel and PantherLily, i've had to climb to the top of the fucking mountain and my legs are totally killing me. As i climbed i noticed a very deep and dark cave.

I was curious so i decided to enter the cave and explore it, it might actually be a good place for training in secret or to just some peace or quiet.

Before i entered i decided to let Gajeel and PantherLily know that i might not be back until tomorrow or a few extra days but i'll update him to let him know that i'm doing fine.

I agreed with myself and called for Virgo, i knew that she would be the right one for this type of mission. "Open, gate of the Maiden, Virgo" i yelled, opening Virgo's constellation gate.

I explained to her what i needed her to do, after her usual 'punishment time princess' e.g.

I also asked her not to tell any of the other spirits that i wasn't going to be with Gajeel and PantherLily for a while. Loke - of course -would be pissed.

I looked at the sun in the sky, but i couldn't see it, so i looked around and noticed it was actually sunset. 'i guess i spent a lot of time climbing i best start exploring the cave and then get some sleep soon' I thought walking in, but it was dark.

"Open, gate of the twins, Gemini" i called. In a puff of smoke to reveal two small blue aliens, 1 female and 1 male.

"Piri Piri" the Celestial Spirit twins said. "umm.... can you guess transform into Natsu to create a bit of light so i can explore this cave the suns setting so i need to use another light source instead" i asked. They looked at each before looking back at me.

The twins then transformed into Natsu, showing me that the didn't mind doing my request.

Keys To Iron (Gajeel X Lucy)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora