My inner wolf~

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  • Dedicated to Tristan Bates

As I make my way to school on a cold morning I saw this boy, I have never seen this boy before, but somehow I’m drawn to him, I can't stop thinking about him, every time I look at him it seems he isn't interested, he is so perfect, his hair so dark and soft, it wasn't short, but it also wasn't long, he was tan, and his ski looked so soft, but no one had touched him yet, and he has these amazing blue eyes.

As I was walking home I saw him, he was with another boy. I turned around and he saw me stare, then I blinked and he was gone, I just thought it was a hallucination, so I kept walking. That night I was doing my studies, I couldn’t help but think what he was doing, then I heard a noise, it sounded like wolfs, but it couldn’t be... Could it?

I ran down stairs and I saw a pack of wolfs walking around our house, I walked outside, I saw These massive wolfs they were eating something but I wasn’t sure what it was, one jumped towards me, I don't remember it biting me.

Before I knew it I was in a hospital bed, and there was that horrid beeping noise, I opened my eyes and saw my mum, "Please wake up" She said as she was praying and tears were falling down her face onto my hand, I then opened my eyes, something felt different.

My mum jumped up and down in joy, she was glad I was alive, The doctor then walked in and said "Hello amber how are you feeling, Seems like you recovered quick" I nodded my head and mum said "when may we take her home?" The doctor said "Right away ma'am".

On our way home I felt different, like this wasn't real, when I got home I asked my mother "how long was I out for?" She replied "Quite a while Hun" I then ran upstairs, I setting up my things from the hospitable, Then I heard a cry, coming from the woods.

I walked outside to see what the problem was, There was a little girl, hiding behind the tree I asked her what was wrong, the said in a little voice "There are mean people out there" I took her hand and asked if she wanted to come in, we were walking to the house, all of the sudden she disappeared, I was confused, I looked into the sky, and mumbled "Full moon".

I Then looked at my arm, I saw these little hairs poking out, but it was painful, they kept growing, I thought I was going mad, My vision was sharp, I could see everything clear as day, My finger nails grew until they looked like claws, then my teeth got bigger, it was like there was fifty nails being hammered into my mouth then pulled out again, I then had a craving for meat, at the time I didn't care about watt type of meat, just any.

I saw this thing in the corner of my eye, it looked like a rabbit, I turned my head and ran towards it, I was so fast, and my legs were so strong, I didn’t know what was happening. I opened my mouth and just gobbled it up, it didn't taste too bad, and my hunger had been put to rest for now.

I then heard howling, I turned my head and thought they were coming for me, I hid behind a tree, and saw the boy, the boy from school, he was the wolf that bit me, I heard them briefly say "She will be hungry, if she is smart enough she would be hunting somewhere around here", I saw a woman, like a vampire, I didn't think they were mint to be friends, but it looked like she was the leader.

she turned around quickly, And I saw that little girl, I was whispering to her telling her to get back, but she couldn't understand me, she rushed out towards the wolfs and hugged the leader, I was wondering what was wrong with her, at first I thought she was being mind controlled.

I walked out to them and they just stared at me, the leader walked up to me and said as she was stroking my hair “You must be amber" I nodded my head, she turned around, and the wolfs were right behind her, she whispered into one of their ears, they all scattered around the woods.

She held just above my shoulder and said, they will be back for some food, you must be starving, I Nodded my head yet again, I layer down on the ground hoping I didn’t sat on something dead, the lady said hello my name is Gloria and this is phoebe my daughter, we have been living here for quite some time now.

She then howled and all the wolfs came back with allot of food, it could feed fifty humans for about 100 years! I scoffed it all down in about ten minutes, I was so full, I looked up with blood and drewl dripping from my mouth, and there was bones scattered all over the floor, Gloria looked behind her and told us all to run home, only because the sun was rising, our parents would have been worried.

I got home Just in time, my heart was racing, I guess I was sort of excited, Every night for the next 3 months we went there till about June 5th we were walking towards the oldest tree in the Forrest, and Seth was there, he was in allot of pain, Justin (The hogtie at he start) Asked Seth what was wrong, He pointed to a blood smudge on a tree, we sniffed it and we could see weird creatures, they were like dragons, somewhere black and some grey.

Gloria had just gotten back from hunting with phoebe and had smelt the air, she knew what was going on, Gloria ran away from us, we thought she left, about ten seconds later she was back, with some healing cream, she poured it not sets wound, then we went to the cave of the creatures.

I asked what they were called, Seth simply replied "Moon gliders horrid things" 

"I know I saw them in my vision how do you get rid of them?" I asked

"With holy water" Seth replied, as we walked into the cave, Gloria showed no mercy and flooded the cave with holy water, most of the creatures died, besides the ones that were out hunting, Justin turned around he poured holy water on his tongue, then licked the moon gliders and they all melted,

We had to get home fast it was like the sun was racing us, from that day forth we decided to meet under the old tree in the Forrest...

-----------15 YEARS LATER-------------------

Seth- looks after everyone

Justin- married to Amber, 2 kids/Pups Full blood Doctor

Amber- married to Justin 3 kids/Pups Full bloods House wife 

Gloria- 2 More Kids/Pups

Phoebe-Married to a full blood wolf, Graduated, Vet

----------------------- Rest Of The Pack -----------------------------

Protecting the woods                                                                   

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