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This is my first ever fanfiction, I have read dozens of fanfics over time so I am fimilar with everything. I decided to go with a small drable of how Killian is dealing with Emma becoming the Dark One and disappearing. This is not fluffy at all and is kinda sad but hope you enjoy it! Don't worry it does get a little happier thanks to David! Once Upon A Time and all its charcters belong to Adam Horowitz and Eddy Kitis (and ABC and Disney)(I originally posted this on lol)







He unconsciously followed the beat of his ship creaking with his flask, tapping it against the side of the bed. The room is dark. Full with his pirate memories and keepsakes of his past life, but yet the room feels empty to him. He sits, well slouches, against the overused pillows of his bed. Here he feels like he is sucked into an abyss of isolation and sorrow. He is too afraid. Too afraid to face face him.Her child, the one she loves the most. Her last blood line. He wonders how Henry is holding up but that ultimately reminds him of the fact that he isn't there to help Henry.

Because he is too guilty

He was the last person she talked to. He was the last person she confessed her love to. He does not deserve her last words as good, pure, light Emma.


Her name bring such happiness but yet too much pain. With that he takes another long slip from the used flask. The rum burns his throat as he swallows it down which awakens memories of her

"What the hell is that?!"

"It's rum and a bloodly waste of it."

"Where's your rum?"

"I'm allergic."

"Is rum your solution to everything?"

"It surely doesn't hurt..."

It does hurt. Every hug, every kiss, every hand-hold, every conversation is flashing before his eyes for the 100th time since she sacrificed herself.

Knock Knock

He ignores the knocks pretending it's nothing more than the Jolly skimming the docks.

Knock Knock

"Hook? You in here? Open up."


Other than Henry that's the last person he wants to talk to. He makes a small sound of approval for David to come in although not very enthusiastic about it.

"I thought you'll be in here. This is your ship and-"

The prince stops mid-sentence as he takes in the cabin. Pictures of Emma and Killian spread around the desk, empty bottles and flasks are decorating the floor around the pirate's bed and the pirate himself on a bed full of used tissues and even more empty bottles.

"Good to see this is affecting you as much as it's affecting us."

He remains silence but takes a small sip of the flask

"Listen Hook, it has been a week since Emma has disappeared. We all mourned and still have grief but at least we are trying to find a way to get her back and destroy the darkness she was taken over by."

"Like it's that easy..." Killian whispers, voice hoarse from the rum and not talking for a week.

"And he talks! Of course it's not that easy, but when people are with you and support you, everyone feels better. People are asking about you, they are worried."

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