+ Author's Note

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22 May, 2019

Oh no! Another Warriors fanfiction writing guide!

I am aware of just how many fanfiction guides exist out there on Wattpad, and the rest of the internet. Warriors is a widespread fandom, after all. So what makes this one any different?

The term 'Specialized' is not just in the title as a gimmick. This writing guide exists to answer all of the unorthodox questions that you may have about writing a Warriors fanfiction. First and foremost, I try to deliver guides that go beyond just writing. You will find technical sections like editing and revision, syntax, and readability. Other sections have more to do with the 'fiction' itself, like plot scope or background characters. The thing about this guide is I try not to go over what has already been said. You will find a heap of guides on this website. Many of them go over things like cat appearances, clan names, canon terms, and natural settings. Not that going over stuff like this is a bad thing; hammering in the basics through repetition is the fastest way to learn. But I tried not to write a guide like that. This one has useful answers to questions you may not have known you had. If it does not show up on a web search and it pertains to Warriors, then this is the place to check with.

This guide is in depth and always growing. If you have a specific question to ask about writing Warriors fanfictions, ask here first. I will help best I can. Your critique, complements, and complaints are always welcome on my content. Welcome to the guide, and enjoy!

- Tyto

Warriors Fanfics: Specialized Writing GuideWhere stories live. Discover now