Loved You For a Thousand Years

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  • Dedicated to Hannah Beatrisse

Once there was a group chat at facebook....They known each other at a virtual game called ''Woozworld'' and i am one of them.....We live in Phillipines and we chat always i dont know how many time we chat but one day.....A chatter added a friend ont he chat hes name is Xander he had friend with others quickly and like flooded the chat and then.....Hannah chats us with Xander and Xander became friend with Hannah and have a crush on her then he admit it we dont chat until they are finsih and the drama started Xander and Hannah fight he said Babe to her and she said ''Babe? who's babe?'' Xander got mad because Hannah didnt know that she is the one Xander is calling 'Babe' he tried to cut his hand with a razor because she loves Hannah and he cant accept hate her but he did and he try the after a while Xander said sorry but Hannah dosent reply's to Xander, so Xander trys to make his apologie aceppt and risk his life just Hannah to forgive him... So he plans to do sucide  he counts on 3 minutes plus tree seconds and if Hannah dosent forgive him. We tried to stop Xander but it was to late. Soon her sister comes and see her brother dead she called a ambulance and they go to the Hospital. She checked Xander's phone and trys to get information that why his brother died... She checked on his Facebook and saw hes friends chatting and she asked ''Are you friends with Xander?'' Xanders friend's say's ''Yes'' She said ''Xander is in the hospital what happend?'' Xander's friend said ''I dont know'' and Xander Sis said ''and why did Xander cut his arm?'' Xander's friend's said ''We Dont Know either'' Xander's sis said ''Pls pray for him'' Xander's friends said ''Ok :)'' We chat and forgotten anythign the Xanders sis chats again and said ''Hi Xander is okay he had 50 of 50 chance to live'' Xander's friends said ''Thanks God!'' Xander sis saids ''Wait! and He said ''Hannah'' with tears falling out of his eye!'' Xander's Friends was Shocked. We waited for like a hour and we were suprise Xander was ok! and Hannah telled to Xander ''Im sorry i was replying on chat but it wont let me'' Xander said ''its ok'' We try to Leave and make this a story in Wattpad and here it is! Then suprisingly! Xander asked Hannah if she want to be his boyfriend? What will Hannah Say? Will it be Yes? or No?


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⏰ Last updated: May 11, 2013 ⏰

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