Chapter 9

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The next morning I wake up from my alarm again. I grab my phone and turn off the alarm very quickly. I crawl back into the covers and cuddle my pillow. Wait, what? I don't remember going to bed last night. And I don't remember Liam leaving. What the hell happened last night. I stand up from my bed. Just then I notice a piece of paper on the bedside table.

Hi Lilly,

You fell asleep last night on the couch, in my arms. I watched another movie and then it was time for me to go. You hadn't woken up, so I brought you to bed. I wrote you this note so I hope you're not freaking out right now. I hope you don't mind that I put you to bed. See you on Friday :)


The next thing I look at is my clothes. I'm still wearing them. Good. He didn't see me in my underwear without me approving. I appreciate that. It means he has respect. I think it's very important for a boy to have respect for a girl. I decide to take a quick shower. I strip down and walk into the shower. I wash and dry myself off and then I put a towel around my body. I quickly grab ripped skinny jeans and a tank top form my cupboard and put the clothes on. I slip into my TOMS and grab the books I need today: French, Dutch and Maths. Two subjects I'm pretty good at and then Maths. I really like languages. I put the books in my bag and walk downstairs. I remember mom is gone for the week and I grab breakfast. I plop down on the couch 10 minutes later. I still have 20 before I have to get to school. I pick my phone from the counter and see I have a text from Liam.

(A/N: Liam's texts are cursive and Lilly's text are bald)

Hey, I hope you don't mind I put you in your bed last night. I thought it would be more comfy than the couch :P

No, I don't mind. Not at all actually :) Why didn't you stay?

I know I'm flirting with him. I still don't know my own feelings but a little flirting won't matter, right?

You wanted me to stay? I can come over tonight again? Maybe I will stay then?

He asks. I think he thinks I'm serious. But I can't see his face or hear his voice with his text.

Yeah, why not? IF you bring your own sleeping bag and stuff, cause you can't sleep in my bed :)

Okay, I'll text you this afternoon.

I look at the time again. I have to go. This were the fastest 20 minutes of my life. How does the time pass so quickly when I'm having contact with Liam? I quickly walk to the hall and put on my thin leather jacket, since it can be pretty cold in the morning. I grab my bag and walk out of the house to pick up my friends and to get to school.

~~~~~Skip School~~~~~

Today went by pretty quick.

"Girls, why don't we all hang out?" Joy suggests.

"No, sorry. I'm alone at home, mom's on a trip. I have to do things at home." I say.

"What? Yesterday you couldn't hang out either!" Michelle exclaims.

"I'm really sorry. I wanted to do this yesterday, but the test was a lot of work." I apologise.

"Okay, but tomorrow you don't have anything to do and you hang out with us." Sandra demands.

Leah is quiet, very quiet, almost too quiet.

"Okay, tomorrow I hang out with you guys. I promise." I tell them.

"See ya tomorrah gurl!" Joy fakes a Bradford accent.

"See you tomorrow!" I say and then I walk back home.

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