Sorry for Leaving (Chanyeol's imagine)

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"one last time! I need to be the one who takes you home...." You sang out loud and release your stress in your shower. You've faced many problem this day and you got stress out. You just want to relax and have a nice time alone. Relaxing turn out to be crying. "Study! Study! Study!!!!! When will this sh*t end?" You cried out in the shower. "(Y/n)ah! What happen dear? Are you ok?" You mum ask you from the outside. "Mum!!! Can I stop study?!!" You cried out again. "Wait! Finish your shower first and come out. Tell mummy everything OK" she said "Mum!".....

You came out of the bathroom and run to mum. You cry out and hug your mum. "Oh dear! Baby what happen? Tell mummy!" "Mum! I hate school! When will this things end??" "Oh! Teen's problem again. Baby! It's OK. When I was at your age I use to hate school like this too, but you can't just stop study and do nothing. You have to carry on OK! Don't stress too much." She try to calm you down. "But mum?-" "Tomorrow is holiday right? Let's have a family trip together shall we?" "Mum!" "I promise you'll get better. Now go to sleep and don't think about anything OK! I love you" she give you a kiss and let you sleep. You feel nothing.... You just close you eyes and sleep...

"Rise and shine!" Your twin brother wake you. "It's holiday let me sleep more ok!!!" You shout. "It's family trip you know!" "I know! Just 1second..!" "It's 1second! Now!! Wake up" he pull your blanket and pull your hand. "OK!!! Ok!!!! Now I'm awake!" You shout and wake up. "That's my girl!" he joke. "Who's your girl?!" You hit his shoulder. "I'm just kidding!!" " Aish!!" You take a quick shower. You just felt better today.
"Hurry up (y/n) we're going to be late!" Your mum shout. "Yes mum! I'm coming!" you pic up all your things you need and head downstairs. "Done? Ok! Let's go now!" You mum said. You enter the car with your brother and your mum drive. You dad is really busy working in China so he couldn't join the family trip. "Are you feeling OK now baby?" your mum ask. "A little bit now." "Don't worry you will be really happy there. We're going to stay there for 3days." "3days? That's too short mum!" "You have school OK!" "OK! Where are we going?" "___ beach" "oh! OK! I wish I can relax more" "We will see!" She laugh. "See what?" Taebin your brother joke. "Aish! This kiddo!".....

At the beach:
"OMO!!! Mum This is really beautiful!!" You run out from the car as soon as you arrive. "Woah!!!!" Taebin shout and running all around. White sand, blue sky, clear view of the ocean make you feel like paradise. Fresh morning with cold and hot air mixing together. "Relaxing time yeah!" you quickly run into the water. "Hahaha!" You laugh while playing with your brother. "Told yah! Have fun kid!" You mum shout while preparing the picnic. "Thanks mum!" You shout. Your mum just smile back. "So sad Dad couldn't come!"you said. "Me too! But now we're here let's enjoy it when you still have time" "GOOD IDEA!!" you high5 with your brother and continue playing like a kid. Building sand castle is your favorite.

"Come and eat!!!" You mum shout. "Yes mum!!!" You walk back. You swing yourself around enjoying the fresh air of the beach. "(Y/n)!" A deep voice call you from behind. You quickly turn..... A similar boy.... Flashback start...
(Flashback): 2years ago
At the same beach! "Why you have to leave so soon?" Chanyeol ask you. "It's my dad problems! I don't know why too. He didn't have any reason to tell us, he just told us to leave." "So do you want to go?" "Of course not! Why would I leave this beautiful place that I want to live for the rest of my life!" you cried out. Suddenly he put his soft lips on yours deeply and erase all the pain you had. Butterfly flying happily in your stomach. Your heart beat slowly enjoy this moment of kiss. The first and last kiss you will have with him. You kiss him back showing that you'll miss him so much!......(end of flashback)

A flash back that remind you of him make your heart beat faster. Your eyes start to having a shower. You miss his hug, his kiss, his happiness....
Your heart feel so wrong because you left him without any reason but he still remember you. He still love you......but it's too late. He walk slowly to you. You can't help but look down. You want to say sorry to him so much! You break his heart by just leaving this place, leaving the memory you have with him. You look at him slowly. His precious smile on his face make you know that he's OK! You want to hug him so bad but...... you realize that you're no longer his girlfriend. (So sad)

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