Shh ~ Drarry Oneshot

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Harry's POV

I lazily made my way down to the library, I really need to finish this assignment for Madam Sprout, it's due tomorrow morning and so far I only have my opening statements. Herbology Wasn't an issue and Madam Sprout was a little off her rockers but not terrible, I think she spends far too much time in that exotic greenhouse of hers. Nonetheless, it is my favourite class.

I finally enter the library, not to be fooled by the utter silence, the library was full of people, I head over to the section that contained arithmancy books but before I sit down, I stop, did I just hear someone call out my name, I only see one pair of eyes looking up, he's pointing to an empty seat directly beside him, my back, that had recently been strained during a quidditch match sighed in relief, why must you do this to my body, I'd rather not be further tortured by the one with the striking grey eyes, damn you Draco Malfoy.

Something seemed off about Draco, maybe he was actually trying to be nice, to bury the hatchet if you will, or maybe it was simply the fact that for once in his life his big mouth was shut. We have this infamous rival, one that has span since the beginning of school, all because I didn't want to be his friend, you know, sometimes he surprises me, how can he be so cruel. Yet, I was madly in love with him, so yes I kissed Ginny and joked around with Ron but truthfully, I was gay, well I am gay, something about boys in robes... Anyways, I made my way across the room to where Draco was sitting, I took the seat beside him and turned so that I was facing him, flashing a gracious smile before turning back to my parchment and quill.

I got to work on my assignment, why was I finding concentrating so incredibly difficult? Ah yes, I'm sitting next to the one that I'm so incredibly in love with, as that realization set in I blushed a deep scarlet red before focusing back onto the now seemingly unimportant paper, I had to remind myself that it was in fact due tomorrow morning and that Draco was simply doing his work. It couldn't hurt to take a peak though right? As I lifted my eyes off of my paper and over to the mesmerizing boy breathing softly beside me, I was met with those piercing grey eyes staring right back at me, my eyes darting back to my paper, but not before taking note of that half smile that I had seen once before, never directed at me, I hadn't realized that my cheeks were heating up even more until I heard a small giggle emit from the boy beside me, a giggle? Draco giggles?? God that's adorable I thought to myself.

"Shh." The bookkeeper hissed, maybe I had said that aloud? oh god no, this can't be happening, I was about to get up and retreat to the comfort of my  private bed when I felt a hand tracing light patterns into the small of my back, I shivered. What in Merlin was Draco doing? He hates me, doesn't he? I dared looking at the pale boy once more, only he wasn't paying attention to me this time, seemingly immersed in his book, he was biting his lip in concentration, at least I think that's what he was doing, that sly dog..

I did't have time to finish my thought, becoming aware of the warm hand that was once at the base of my back, slowly trailing up and under my shirt, blushing impossibly deeper and coughing as a weak cover up to the gasp that was threatening to exit my mouth, a million thoughts raced through my mind as his fingers left feathery soft patterns across the middle section of my back, his eyes were still fixed on his book but it was clear he had glanced at my beet red face because his once half smile was now a grin, well he certainly seemed to enjoy my reactions, I couldn't exactly complain either.

Had I made my crush on him that obvious? Did he return my feelings? Or was he really just trying to raise my temper, I know, I'll deprive him of the one thing he seems to want most, a reaction out of me, I thought of old grandpa's and Dudley from our childhood, well that takes care of the blush on my face, now, how to look concentrated.. I simply start back on my paper, going into detail about the importance of plants with no magical properties. I felt a cold spot where Draco's hand once was, the feeling of eyes baring into my very soul dissipated, maybe I really had successfully gotten rid of him, I wanted to be happy about it, but why did a part of me wish the attention wouldn't stop?

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 29, 2015 ⏰

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