Untitled Part 1

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Sorry but i kept everything as it is!!!

Harry woke from yet another dream about a dark haired teen with burning ruby eyes, covered in sweat. He slumped over in a combination of frustration and exhaustion. He'd been dreaming about Voldemort with the looks of an older Tom Riddle aside from the red eyes. The very eyes that, which as far as Harry knew, solely belonged to the resurrected serpent version.

This wasn't the first time that Harry James Potter, Savior of the Wizarding World had woken up covered in cum after a dream about the man who, as far as he knew, had been trying to kill him since he was an infant. He also knew it also wasn't going to be the last. With a sigh the young man quietly got up and slipped into the bathroom to clean himself up. Next he softly called for a house elf, blushing the entire time.

"Elf." Harry called softly.

Harry knew, calling this way, that he would get someone other than Dobby. Someone who was a bit less... rambunctious and loud. At the quiet pop he turned to find a clean young elf dressed in an old but well kept pillow case with holes for head and arms and the Hogwarts crest embroidered over where a heart would be in a human.

"Hows can Kip be helpings Mister Student?" The elf asked even as it bowed low to Harry.

"I'm afraid that I need a change of bedding." Harry said with a blush. "If you could just get me the new bedding I'll put the old stuff in the hamper after I've changed it. If you all don't want to be bothered when this happens again, you could just leave an extra set of sheets or something on the lower shelf of my bedside table. I hope I didn't bother you and I'm sorry I made more work for you guys."

"Is no problems Mister Student." Kip assured him. "Kip is beings happy to help. Mister Student should calls Kip whenevers he be needing help."

"Thank you." Harry said softly. Then quickly before the elf could start crying told him. "I'm used to being treated like a house elf whenever I have to stay with my relatives. I know how hard you guys work for us. Dobby is one of my friends, and yes I understand that most of you guys don't want to be free, and that Dobby is kinda weird for a house elf. I still haven't got Hermione to understand that yet. Sorry about her."

The elf stared at him as he mentally connected the dots then he started gaping at Harry before quickly popping away. He was gone less then a second before popping back with the change of bedding and instead of handing it to Harry, walked past him to change it himself. The only reluctant concession that Harry managed to get Kip to make was helping to put the sheets on the bed, with the simple expedient of doing one side at the same moment the elf did the other. This earned him a half hearted glare and a gentle push away from the bed. Harry just grinned back at the elf and didn't try to help anymore.

"Thank you. If Dobby is acting all hyper and getting in the way whenever you guys have to work, you guys can just tell him to make me a snack or check my stuff or something." Harry offered blushing again. "He's kinda attached to me."

"Kip is understanding. Kip is being greatful to Mr. Harry Potter sir. Dobby is sometimes being a nusince. Other elfs will all be happys to have something to tell Dobby to bes doing." The elf told him greatfully.

"Just one more thing." Harry said softly. "I can't believe I didn't think of it sooner. Could you all leave a box in each common room and keep it stocked with lots of Murtlap Essence? And any other basic healing stuff like bandages? And instructions on how to use it all? If you need to buy it you have permission to just get the money from my vault. We've been using it on the wounds from the blood quill that Umbridge makes us use during detention."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 14, 2019 ⏰

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