Chapter One: The Cabin Of Fate

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Hey guys, Jay and Dee here!! With our awesome new book. We hope you guys enjoy and make sure to smack that vote and comment button! Make sure to check back between every week to see if it's been updated :)


The cabin was near a small but not to big lake. Lake Ren, Located in Canada,Ottawa... It was a silent located area, it was bought by Matthew's parents. His family is rich, he could honestly buy his own car and his own materials. But his parents have to butt in and always do everything for him. He despised them so, he just wanted to get away from them all the time.So, he ended up buying the remote cabin. He barely used it anyways, so he thought that now was a great time to use it. He invited his "friends". They each arrived one by one, slowly looking at each other in disgust.They gave one another dirty glances. Except for one... Carter, he was late, as always.

"What did you want Matthew? Why are we all here?" Questioned Johnson, as he gave Jordan a small smirk.

She walked up to him, she spat on his face. Everyone looked at them, trying to hold in their chuckles.

"I never liked you Johnson, And never will." She muttered under her cold breath.

She sneered at Johnson, in disgust. Johnson removed her spit, he snarled at her. Holding back everything he wanted to say. Just to break her and everything.

"That's enough you two." Spoke Matthew, he looked at them. Slowly shaking his head as a no.

A bright red lamboguinni showed up, making a full doughnut. Everyone looked, they gave Carter a startled look. As he 'accidently' parked behind them. Making them all jump back, he exited the lamboguinni. he was also a rich kid, Matthew and Carter were 'aquaintences'. They never really liked each other. Everybody was so isolated, nobody really talked to anybody.

"Your all here... well... because I want us all to get along." Matthew gestured his hands, as he made a small clap sound.

Everyone gave him the stank eye. Everyone never liked his ideas, nor his personality. Everyone just... wanted him dead and or never born. Everyone just hated him. He sighed, and looked at them all.

"So I brought us here to 'bond' again.." Muttered Matthew

"Matthew... we told you once. We don't want to be friends anymore. After since..." Muttered Jordan, pausing almost at the verge of tears.

Everyone looked at Jordan, giving her a worried look. Matthew puts an arm on her back, cooing her and telling her that everything is alright.

They were all trying to forget there friends passing. Veronica..

Veronica Lucinda Woreship.

That was her name. She ended up commiting suicide in the woods with rope and a tree. Jordan quietly planted her face on Matthews shirt. Letting her tears pour on his shirt, her face was red and her eyes were extremely red.

"Its okay Jordan." Muttered Matthew, he placed his hand around her shoulders.

They both walked into the cabin. After twenty minutes passed, they ended up following them both in. Wanting to get warmth as the temperature started to drop instantly.

"So..." muttered Carter, getting closer and closer to Johnson.

Johnson gets the hint, but pushes him off of him.He groaned as his bottom hit the floor, Johnson started to laugh silently, Everyone gave them glances, they all gave them dirty looks. Carter looked out the window, sitting on the window still... Adoring the pale moonlight. He sighed, as he noticed the wind pushed the tree's leaves off. The breeze felt nice, his shiny light blue eyes reflected the rays of the moonlight. Everybody knew that Carter tried to hook up with any guy and or girl he could. He never acted like that, but that all changed due to Veronica passing. They all changed in their own ways, every single one of them. Each and everyone one, they changed their actions.

Matthew went into a closet, looking for something. Everyone gave him a weird glare, as he pulled out a box.

A ouija board, everyone backed away from him.

"What the fuck are you doing Matt" Lillian Yelled

"What?" Matt Questioned, " Scared to talk to demons Little Miss Tealie"

" Don't fucking call me tealie anymore, That name passed with Veronica" She whispered

Under her breath "Sadly."

"It's fine. Nobody cares anyways..." muttered Lillian


Yayyyyy, we did it!! Chapter One is a good start eh? If not, well. Get used to it :)

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 25, 2015 ⏰

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