Chapter 1

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"Are you alone today, Kira? I would really like to have a discussion with your parents about your behavior and attitude issues," Dr. Crom asked. He gave me the death stare, and clicked his pen twice. He scares all of his patients, with his unevenly shaved beard and his smooth, bald head. His dark brown eyes were so dark, it was like he was staring into your soul with every look. Yes, William Crom has definitely seen better days.

"No, Will, it's just me. As usual."

He raised an eyebrow at me. "I thought you told me last week that your parents would drive you. I don't think it's safe for you to walk everywhere, especially on the busy roads with no sidewalks." Surprisingly, he didn't notice I called Will. Or, at least, he did notice it but didn't mention it.

"They had an emergency meeting at  work this morning, and they'll have to stay late," I lied. Old man Carters, my father's father, had introduced my dad into the family business at age 18. My mother was hired there as Dad's personal assistant just a year later. Just like every cliché romance story, they fell in love, had their dream wedding, and popped out some kids at a young age.

Whether or not their love was really 'true love' is debatable. Both of my parents scored a lot back in the day, and I'm not talking about sports. Judging by their personalities, it was probably not love, but lust, along with the fear that they would never find another person that would understand them.

"Alright..." He said suspiciously. "But I need to see them next week. It's important for helping you."

"Yeah, fine, whatever. Can I just go now? I have something important I have to do," I said. The real reason I persuaded my parents not to come today was because I needed to get a pregnancy test from Walgreens, and I don't want Mom and Dad to freak. I haven't had my period for three months now. My period is normally irregular, but it's never been missing for this long.

"In a little bit, I just have one more thing to ask you." I groaned and turned around. "Kira, do you have something against your parents? You never want me to meet them, and I remember you telling me you don't talk to them much."

I felt like smoke was coming out of my ears. My face began to burn, and my jaw clenched. "Dr. Crom, my family life is none of your business," I tried saying calmly.

"But I'm your therapist, and if you need help dealing with your family, you have to tell me what's wrong. I can help you, you aren't..."

"I'm fine," I interrupted him.

"Kira, it really doesn't sound like you're..."

"I said, I'm fine! Just let me go!"

He sighed, "Alright, leave then. But remember to bring your parents next Friday! I can't help you unless your family is here!"

Well, too bad. I hardly even have a 'family' anymore. I stomped out of the room, speaking no words to him, and walked into the main office.

"Sara! There you are!" The lady at the front desk said. She was a plump woman, and proud. Her bleach-blonde hair was greasy from sweating so much, and the perfect cat eye she did this morning was already smeared across her cheek. I didn't mention it to her.

"Ick, no, I'm not that loser," I told her, faking my popular-basic-white-girl accent. Sara was one of the only emos that attended my school (surprisingly) and she was a bit shady. Rumor has it that she sells drugs to people on the Internet, but I doubt that's true. She doesn't seem like a stoner girl, just a girl with family issues, like me. "It's Kira Carters, how could you not know who I am?"

"Right, sorry Miss Carters," she responded, her face turning a bright red. "Are you still coming next Friday at 5:30? I could reschedule if you need it. I don't want to make you upset." This is the kind of thing I hate. Every time I have to be my alter ego, others get intimidated by me/her. I'm sick of having to act this way, and pretending to like pop music and wear preppy clothes all the time. I just want to be the real me for once, not the 'me' my parents and everyone expects me to be.

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