The Club Day Starts! Chapter: 1

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It's a nice warm school day morning, in May. The air is fresh and there's a little breeze here and there, and you wanna know what this nice school day starts with? A test! I didn't even study for the test at all! Actually, I didn't even know it was gonna come up!? I was messing with my hair so badly that it will probably turn into a birds nest after the past hour. I was fiddling with my pencil so much that I dropped it more than once! I felt like a mess, un-educated, stupid! And we've been learning about this subject for the past two months! I guess, I wasn't listening. Cause, yah know, this is my most hated class ever, Math!
As I keep being frustrated, lemme tell you my name. My name is, Kokona Mamono. I'm an average senior student, with bad grades I guess? And I have little bit of friends. I'm not really the popular type, don't judge me!
I hear someone laughing at me from behind, I slowly look behind myself and I see my crush/bestfriend, Takashi Hanabusa laughing. I grunt and I turn around fast remembering that the teacher will think that I'm cheating because, I looked behind my desk. You know what they say, "Keep your hands and feet under the desk and no cheating or an automatic 'F' goes on your worksheet!" I sighed and whined just thinking about it. Then I decided to just pick random bubbles and be done with this test.

After class, my teacher called me to the desk and said, "My, My Kokona! You've got an 'A+' for the first time! Surprisingly, I guess you actually studied." I gasp in shock and say, "I-I did!? I thought I would get an 'F' for just guessing-" The teacher interrupts, "Did you say you guessed on this test-" I interrupt, "NO! I didn't! Yes, you were right! I did study! It took me all month to do it!" The teacher smiles, "Well, then. Great work... You may leave." I smile and leave the classroom. Takashi meets me outside the classroom and says, "Hey, what did you get on it? Lemme guess, another 'F'?" I smirk and I show him the test score. He gasps, "Y-You got an-!" I smile and bend down looking at him with my hand on my hips, "Yep! I got an 'A+'! You surprised!?" He scratches the back of his head and says, "N-No... I'm actually, shocked!" I stud up straight saying, "Yeah, I know I'm awesome." He smiles, "Yeah, and an awesome best friend too." I jump, "Yes!" My IPhone vibrates in my pocket like a million times a second, I look at my skirts pocket and I reach in to get my phone. I look at my swipe to unlock screen and I see a lot of messages in my notifications box! Takashi looks at me and says, "What have you got there?" I put my hand in his face, "Hold up! I have a million messages from the students in this school! They're saying that, is it true I got an 'A+' on my test." Takashi looks around and back at me and says, "Huh? How's that possible? How'd they know you've got an 'A+' on you're test?" I smile and I show him, Istacam. "Here!" He grabs my phone and looks at the app, "YOU TOOK A PICTURE OF IT AND PUT IT ON ISTACAM!?" I smile, "Well, yeah! This is an exciting moment for me! and of course other people need to know my success?" Takashi gives back my phone and says, "Heh... Your problem. Not mine." I giggle, "Hey, do you wanna go watch, "Say 'I love you'" with me, at my house?" He smiles, "Hell, yeah!" Then we over hear a discussion of people around a bill board talking about making a club. Takashi and I walk over to the bill board and look at the club posters and I read one of them out loud, "Join Our Music Club!: We have a lot of fun making new music and do different types of music activities! Please, join!" I start to think and a light bulb strikes on! I start jumping, screaming, and shaking Takashi to death. Takashi freaks and says, "What?! What's going on, Kokona?!" I smile and yell, "LET'S MAKE A CLUB!" Takashi smiles and cracks up dying, "A CLUB?! HA! YOU BEST BE OUT YOUR MIND?! WHERE'S THE MONEY GONNA COME FROM?! THE TREES?!" I grunt and cross my arms, "I'm serious, Takashi! Let's make a club! Takashi sighs and says, "What's it gonna be about, then?" I smirk and say, "You know what it's gonna be about, don't be stupid." He looks up tapping his chin, "Um...? Oh, no." I smile, "Did it come to your head?" He sighs and puts out his hand saying, "It's "Anime" Isn't it..." I laugh proudly, "YES! How'd you guess so good?!" He sighs again, "Because, you always talked about opening a club since kindergarten." I look up thinking, "I did?" He looks up and says, "Hey, look! This posters saying there's one more room open for a club to be set in." I gasp and yell, "Come on! We need to go! NOW!" I pull his arm threw out the whole hallway to the counseling office.

We sit down waiting for an appointment with the student counsel person named, Akia. Takashi sighs, "Man, do we have to do this...? What's the point?" I growl, "Then why don't you leave and I set up the club by myself? He grunts, "Fine! Jeez... " I smile, "You never let me down, Takashi." He smirks, "I know." Akia came out of the office saying her good-byes to a student who wanted a club room. Which they got. Then called in us and asked for us to sit down in these fancy chairs. Then she spoke, "So, what are you guys here for?" Takashi looks at me, telling me to answer the question, so I gulped and said, "Um... we're here to open up our own club, ma'am." She smiles, "That's it?" I gulp again, "Y-Yes." She types into her computer, "So, what are you gonna call this club?" I look at Takashi so he can answer it. Takashi sighs and says, "It's gonna be called, "The Otaku Freaks Club"." I smile and nod after he said it. Akia smiles, "Awesome! But, there's one thing..." I nod, "Yeah?" She then explains, "There was one more room, and someone already took it."
I gasp and drop my jaw saying, "Whaaaat . . .?" Takashi grunts and says, "COME ON, LADY! WE... well, SHE WANT'S THIS AND SHE HAS BEEN WISHING FOR THIS OCCASION FOR A VERY LONG TIME! DON'T TAKE THIS AWAY FROM HER JUST BECAUSE, SOMEONE JUST TOOK THE "LAST ROOM"! THERE'S SOMETHING CALLED CANCELING IT, MA'AM!" Akia gasps to the tone of his voice and says, "Sit down, Sir! You're not the boss of me, so you can't just order me around like some little, doggie. I have only one boss and that's the head of the student counseling, Tomoyo Asakami. Takashi crosses his arms and looks away, "Phfft . . . Seem's like you don't listen to the costumers." Then a lady from behind us says, "Akia, this is not how you treat people." Akia gasps, stands up, and bows saying, "I'm sorry, Tomoyo!" Then the lady so called "Tomoyo" says, "Don't apologize to me, to them you should." Akia bows to us and says with guilt, "I'm sooo, sorry I yelled at you, Takashi. Please, forgive me!?" Takashi then says, "If you want us to forgive you, then give us that room we ordered." Akia then says, "But, I-" She then looks at Tomoyo's angry face and changes her mind, "You know what, I change my mind. You can have the stupid room." She types our name into the computer and saves it. "Now get out!" We get up fast grabbing our bags, heading out the door as Akia is left in there with Tomoyo. I ran with Takashi to our new club room, and screamed while jumping in the air saying, "YES! THANK YOU TAKASHI! THANK YOU SO VERY MUCH!" I kiss him on the cheek while blushing and I run into the room jumpingand dancing everywhere, as Takashi softly touched where I kissed and softly smiled while he watched me do my victory dance.

~ To be Continued . . .

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 16, 2015 ⏰

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