What we were

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We moved too fast. He planned our future when he knew we wouldn't last that long. I loved hearing it though. We planned to live on an island, just us forever. We were going to have two kids even though I thought they were a nuisance. We wanted an easy life, I guess I was too in love to realise what reality really was. We breathed each others air and craved each others lips. Nothing really mattered to me but him, I loved him more than I loved myself and I think that's where I went wrong. Never love someone more than you love yourself because when they're gone it's like your world has gone, your life has ended, your existence has vanished. Nothing has been the same since he left. Nothing will ever be the same. He is the love of my life...I guess I just wasn't his. I hope in twenty years from now when he is drinking his morning coffee with three sugars and the love of his life is beside him, he thinks of me. I hope he remembers my gentle touch the next time he cries and how I used to hold him when his heart was hurting. How I used to laugh a little too hard at his stupid jokes. How I loved him when he couldn't love himself. He never loved himself, he was the most insecure guy I've ever met. He hates his own skin and the sparkle in his eyes. Oh his eyes, his eyes were my favourite, a deep brown that you could just get lost in. That's how I fell in love with him, I looked into his eyes for a little too long. I'm sure god put poison in him, he killed me with every unanswered I love you but I couldn't leave, I was just waiting for him to leave me because I knew he would and he finally did. He is my poison. He doesn't know how much he really needs me. He has someone new now but she can't complete him for I'm the one he needs, he needs my touch, he needs my love, he needs my presence. He hasn't realised it yet but he does, I love him like no one else has or ever will. I still love him with every broken piece of my heart.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 19, 2015 ⏰

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