Together Forever

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Curtains - Check!

Flowers - Check!

Candles - Check!

Abhay's favorite cheese pasta - Check!

I smiled seeing the pasta remembering the very first time I had tried to cook something for him. The smell of the burnt pasta had filled every corner of the kitchen but yet he was brave enough to take a bite out of it reminding me he'd eat anything I cooked. His only excuse at that time was that he had been deprived of human food for more than two centuries and burnt or not he'd try a hand at anything edible though that was far from edible. My vampire-turned-human love surely loved me beyond the levels of insanity to endure something like that I thought laughing at the distant memory.

When I turned back to reflect on all the moments that shaped our journey together in our life, it still seemed like a dream to me that we could make it this far. It had been anything but smooth for us. What with him being an immortal vampire and I, a fragile human, nobody could fathom let alone accept the fact that something of that kind - something never thought of or ever heard of, could be possible. But as they say love wins against all odds, we made this impossible love story possible. We had braved every obstacle that came our way, be it Maithali - Abhay's human love who had turned into a vampire baying for my blood or Jeh - my best friend who was a werewolf or Abhay's erratic, eccentric vampire brother, Siddharth or even the lunatic slayers dad had hired to slay Abhay's clan. Must sound crazy, isn't it? You have no idea!

But all said and done, the only thing that matters now is that we're together and today happens to mark the most special day our lives - It's our first wedding anniversary and here I am, waiting for Abhay - my soul mate, my husband eager to break the news that I have been keeping from him for the past ten days, waiting for this special moment.

Please Abhay, come soon I muttered glancing at the window every now and then hoping to see our car pull up the driveway, walking back and forth restlessly. I sat down by the table clutching my stomach which was doing somersaults right now. Seconds turned to minutes, minutes to a couple of hours but still no sign of Abhay. I didn't realize when I had drifted off to sleep and when I woke up it was already 11 PM and the last candle that was still flickering in the dark was about to burn off which was the only source of light in this dark room and a moment later, it did, plunging me into darkness.

5 years later


It was too good to be true. I should have known better than to believe any it of could be real. I was a fool to delude myself into thinking I had left darkness way behind me and embrace something which was never meant to be mine in the first place. I found love, fought hard against every force of nature - be it mortal or immortal just to be with her and when I had finally found my happy place, I lost everything. I lost her - I lost my Pia, who had been the only light in my dark existence.

A drop of blood fell on the picture I was holding and my hand automatically reached out to my face in reflex. I wiped my eyes and brought my hand before me which was now smeared in something red that resembled something like blood. What the hell, I might as well admit that was what it was. I shed tears of blood and that only enforced the bitter truth of my dark life - I was back to being the despicable monster I had been six years ago - a blood sucking vampire. They say immortality severs all human ties and sets you free relieving you of all mundane human feelings. Vampires are not supposed to have a heart for its where the soul resides and monsters don't have a soul. But this dead heart yearned for a small glimpse of its angel who was no longer a part of my life or my world. There were many times when I felt the urge to bolt from here and go back to her without sparing a thought to the consequences it might bear. But no I could never do that. I owed her a normal happy life devoid of any kind of nightmares wrought by creatures like me.

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