Chapter 1

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Cheyanne P.O.V

Flashback- 5 years ago**

It's the end of the year and I'm invited to the senior party at the college. I don't know why when I'm only a freshmen in college. It's a post-graduation party before the the seniors start studying for the finals.

I go inside the frat house and smell sweat and beer. People are basically having sex it's just nasty, they are sweaty. Then I see people playing beer pong. I just stand and watch. Then my roommate come towards me telling me I should play. I just shook my head at her. She walked away and came back with 2 red cups.

"Here" she said while giving me one. I looked in the cup then at her. I guess she got the message.

"Don't worry about it just drink it" she said and I took a sip and choked at the burning of my throat. "Cheyanne it's suppose to be like that. You need to get out a little more."

"I'll try"

"Finally you said something" I just shrugged. Then some one come and ask her to dance. I started walking around until someone dropped their cup by my feet and some got on my shoes.

I bent down and picked up the cup and see a body in front of me. I look up and see a good looking white boy. I just smiled at him.

"You're not mad that I spilled a drink on your Jordan's." I just shook my head and walked to the kitchen area. I grabbed a napkin and turned around to see the boy is standing behind me with an amused look on his gorgeous face.

"Are you sure you're not mad"

"Im sure" I said as I was wiping the drink off my shoes.

"You seem like one of them girls that don't or its impossible to get mad"

"Do you ever talk"  I shrugged. "Is that all you do, shrug" I nodded my head.

"Do you wanna dance" I shook my head. "Why?"

"Can't dance"

"You can't dance?" I shook my head. I can dance I just don't want to. But he don't know that.

Suddenly I was pulled by my arm to what looked like the living room area.

"Just go with the flow" I just nodded my head. An up beat song was playing. He started grinding into my butt after two seconds I started grinding on him.

I started feeling something hard poking me in the butt. I shook it off and kept dancing till the song went off.

After the song was finish we walked back in the kitchen.

"So ms.anti-social what's your name?"


"Never met a black girl with the name Cheyanne. That's actually unique." I just shrugged.

"Yeah thank you" I said as I showed my braces

"That's why you don't talk, because you have braces. You're a brace face." He threw his head back and clutched his stomach as he let out hearty laugh.

I turned around and started walking away, until I felt a hand wrap around my wrist. I didn't turn around I just politely removed my hand out of his grasp and kept walking. Until he decided to get in front of me blocking me from walking.

"I'm sorry Cheyanne and my name is Vincenzo."


"Yeah I'm Italian" I raised a eyebrow. "I moved here my freshmen year at the college." I nodded my head in amusement.

"Is this your last year " I shook my head and put up one finger. "What! This is your first year" I nodded. "Well this is my last year. So Cheyanne tell me something about you like. What's your major?"

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